The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

i ain’t assuming that man

Not according to CNN. He has no authority over the vote counting, so that will continue as planned.

The county was Trump +11, was Green Bay proper?

Trump downt to +5.7 in MI with only 75 percent of the vote supposedly in. I feel a lot better about Michigan than Wisconsin. We need one more though. Georgia or Pennsylvania I guess. Maybe North Carolina.

Coach of the Wisconsington Generals

We still don’t have NV.

Kinda weird how Minnesota split off and wasn’t close like last time but the other three stayed super close. Not sure what to make of that but it’s interesting.

Economist guy has it at 95% Biden win

Oh thank you nate, good use of your time replying to Doug Polk. he didn’t even @ him.

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I’m not going to worry about Nevada. We either have it or we don’t. I dont’ think we’re winning AZ and losing Nevada, that would be shocking. Also only 43 percent of the county Detroit is in has reported so I guess I feel really good about Michigan.

It’s the type of thing that makes you want to look into, like, the security of voting machines.

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Same. I’m out.

Rampant cheating would be my best guess tbh.

NV is full of workers who badly need OFB.

Enough to cause a 5 point swing?

Where is the evidence of cheating? Feels like a bit of a cop out.

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What is OFB?

How good is Economist guy? Weird that he still has NE-2 relatively up for grabs. Thought that was done and dusted.

A humongous polling error that is not even close to mirrored in the neighboring state with similar demographics that nobody bothered to cheat in because it wasn’t close?


yeah. we couldn’t asked for a better set up for a democratic candidate and we’re at best a flip to win.

I guess that’s true.