The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Oh great, the city that idolize Brett Favre is responsible for the world?

Who is Ben Wikler and should I believe him?

Needed this. Been panic comparing county by county results 2016 to 2020 for Wisconsin (even though Iā€™m sure someone did that online).

PredictIt suspended for site maintenance for an hour. Motherfuckers.

Chair, Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

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Itā€™s 1:01, somebody drop a load on me

I think heā€™s the head of the WI Democratic party. So no.

Twitter says heā€™s the chair. Seems important but fuck if I know.

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Iā€™m borderline delirious from lack of sleep, so if I start to get nervous and panic now, donā€™t hold it against me after I held down the fort for calm rationality all night.


So basically, I shoudlnā€™t believe him?

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Welcome back


CNN has same vote numbers as NYT, going to ignore Decision Desks.

Thereā€™s all kinds of stuff on twitter about technical difficulties in GA. Sounds like a repeat of the Abrams race and the Ossoff race last time.

Thatā€™s not a random coincidence, theyā€™re probably both using the same service.

No idea whats a bot and whatnot but I took a peek at the breitbart comments section because I hate myself and it seems to be going great

So MI has a lot more votes left to count it seems and Biden only down by 6 there. Seems like Biden doing much better in MI than WI?

Let them know they donā€™t need to arm up to secede, weā€™re happy to mutually agree to go our separate ways.

Alright Iā€™ve been pretty much torturing myself for 10 hours now. At some point sleep has to happen. Hope to wake up to something good.

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Yikes, Green Bay was +11 Trump in 2016 and now weā€™re depending on them?

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Assuming Biden wins, the left needs to remind him in no uncertain terms that he did NOT win this due to moderate Republicans.