The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Oh I am bearish on both as well…but that doesn’t get away from my question of dear god the money if those races decide the senate

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Maine is going for Biden the only uncertainty is the one congressional district.

sure, but Obama won and disenfranchise didn’t start in 2016. Fuck the democratic party. We played along with Biden and it gave us basically nothing. We’re running for the same 50k votes in the midwest to stay alive.


Yes, yes we will.


Thats what NPR shows.

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Let’s see once it’s all counted. People think the actual margins are whatever they end up being on 11/3, 11/4, etc… Sometimes the Dems add 1-2% over the ensuing couple weeks without anyone noticing.

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It’s worse, none of the newspapers or the SOS websites even agree on raw vote totals. And this is int he Midwest states where every vote fuckign matters.

Some of it did start in 2014 though.

But yeah it’s a fucking joke.

I mean, Biden’s gotta win what’s remaining in Milwaukee by 3:1


NOV. 4, 3:30 AM

Some Wisconsin math: Trump leads by 119,000 votes there currently. But there are reported 211,000 absentee ballots yet to be counted in Milwaukee County, which are likely to be very blue. If Biden won them 3:1, it would make the state very close.

Beyond that, what’s outstanding is a bit less clear. The city of Green Bay has yet to report results, which should be blue-ish but it’s certainly no Madison or Milwaukee.

CNN saying Biden basically needs to win 75% of the mail in vote. Highly doubt that happens.

I feel like I’m staying up to watch a funeral at this point. Wisconsin is the closest of the three “Midwest” states still in play and it’s not looking great.

Yeah same thing Nate said. Trump’s going to edge Wisconsin out by like 15,000 votes. So fucking sick.

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This is just like 2016. Gonna ride on 50k votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Good thing we have that electoral college. Fuck.

No recount?

That is showing 100% in for Milwaukee country and a gap of still 89k which surely means gg. NYT shows 50% for that county.

Decision desk is workin on some kind of update, they just gave Jo Jorgensen like 500k votes in wisconsin.

this sounds like 6 am at MGM again to me.

How can anyone defend +10 Wisconsin polls that end up losing?

Trump currently ahead in Kalamazoo 39K to 35K in what’s reported and HRC won it 67K to 51K. What’s out is heavily heavily skewed Dem.