The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Depends how fast five people can count everyone in Atlanta and it’s suburbs.

Alright these number disagreements between Nytimes and Decision Desk are tilting as fuck, i’m going directly to the websites of the Secretaries of State.


I’m trying to figure out how we can potentially be in better shape in Georgia than in PA/MI. It’s going to go back to something I think I posted about. If our politics continued to rotate around racial lines, we would do better in GA and NC and worse in the rust belt.

GA is blacker than NC. Thank God white people in MN are not as racist as WI/MI/PA (or don’t vote that way), or it would have flipped based on demographics.

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I realize all judges will tell the trump campaign “if you had a problem with these methods of voting you should have raised them long before the election.”

LawBros save the world.

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I want Uncle Blazer to crack the case.

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Have you considered fracking?

I don’t know, it’s not looking great in Wisconsin if the official wisconsin SOS website is accurate:

Down 110k votes with 94 percent of the estimated total already in. Seems unlikely we can make that up.

There was a small update a few minutes ago, so there must be a couple robots and a cat still counting.

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They are estimating a gain of over 100k from Milwaukee, so it’ll be close.

Is there a way this can still end in a 269-269 tie?

this is torture

How many dollars are going to be spent on the Georgia runoff senate races? Man if the runoff is the key vote…there could be a stupid stupid amount.

That’s got Milwaukee at 100% but 168K to 106K. In 2016 it was 289K-126K.

It doesn’t have the mail-in yet. We’re likely to net at least 100K more there alone.

all of these totals are assuming Maine, which hasn’t been called yet too right?

Anybody hear any mention of voter ID this go around? Registration snafus? No?

It’s fucking brilliant. You cheat and disenfranchise so many different ways that people forget about some of them.

I mean, yeah fuck the needles and the poles but trump is the one dumb enough to admit up front how they’re gonna cheat and people are trying to pretend like that’s not what we watched. The court shenanigans are only one part.


As I’ve been saying for a few days, I’m bearish on both. We’re not winning special elections in Georgia to decide the United States Senate. No way, no how.

Futures basically made back everything it lost. I suspect market is confident of an uncontested result (which is a Repub win)

Nevada accepting mailed ballots up until the 10th tho.

Yes. Biden Binks NC & WI but loses the rest and ME-2. Very unlikely.

I’m getting pretty shook, and I’ve been unshook for hours.

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