The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

So my problem with Lincoln Project. I actually thought their ads were A+ generally. But why did I never see them when watching NFL football or other general tv market.

There was a 30k vote wisconsin vote dump. Biden down around 128k votes there, 3.6 points.

Itā€™s not answerable by any of us. At least not legitimately.

OK, Iā€™ve given up on my earlier Nessun Dorma post. I gotta sleep.

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well you know someone probably said something mean or looked at them wrong or something.

So is Biden, just ask Miami-Dade.

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Johnson County KS flipped! My mom and stepdad didnā€™t lie.

Everyone else did apparently.


108k now! (might have been a typo on your part as its still 3.6%)

polling skews people who answer the phone, so that happens every time. Joe Q average voter ainā€™t answering a 20 question poll and ainā€™t ever voting the other side.

Just remembering I wish Van Jones didnā€™t end his shift before Trumpā€™s speech. He was literally on the verge of tears earlier just because of what it said about this country that this election was even a little close.

I think I just did the math wrong. Iā€™m tired. Also Decision Desk and Nytimes donā€™t agree with each other. Itā€™s not that one has more updated numbers than the other, itā€™s just that the numbers are different. Annoying.

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they were doing regional ones as far as Iā€™m aware, not national.

mostly grifting though and none of it mattered of course

Decision Desk has Biden down only by 101k in Wisconsin.

itā€™s late, but am i reading that right? my goodness

They ought to be able to figure that out, you would think.

Alaska right now reporting some results


This is going to be very wild if he hits like Michigan/Georgia for the win. At this point donā€™t really care how it happens. I want to die.


what about georgia? are we getting updates today?

And still tons outstanding in Milwaukee.

Georgia had a water main break so they all said fuck it and arenā€™t coming back till 8 am. Because non reason to burn the midnight oil on this or anythign.