The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable


GOP now at +4 in the house WTF. 80ish races to go.

Who will end up being the president for the Blue side in the civil war? I donā€™t think Biden would make sense. Would it default to Obama?

Youā€™d better hope not. Heā€™d be seeking compromise right from the off.

Okay the Rock then.

Can we somehow just split the country in two and pay to move everyone to whichever half they want to live in?


When evaluating polls, remember that a lot of mail-in votes in PA will have been tossed for being naked ballots, and in a bunch of states a bunch of mail-in ballots will have been tossed for being late due to USPS shenanigans.

Keep in mind when evaluating the result in Miami-Dade that a significant number of ballots likely ended up sitting in post offices.

This may end up being a significant polling miss, but like the 538 polling average of PA was Joe +5-6%. What have I been preaching for days? 5% is a toss up, 6% is lean Joe, 7% is Joe wins easily.

Canā€™t wait to hear the total number of tossed naked ballots. Plus weā€™ve got the ones coming in over the next three days that SCOTUS may or may not toss.

None of the ones that havenā€™t arrived yet count in the current outstanding vote when networks/analysts mention it.

It sounds pretty good, but neither side wants the other to have nukes or any military, and thereā€™s water rights of the Colorado river to worry about.

This seems like the easiest solution

Not joking

Where does the border run?

Sounds more like you really need to cave out the middle and dump it and all who want to live there somewhere into the ocean.

As some of us have been predicting for weeks, Trump would be up big on election night in states not counting mail-in ballots until today. Biden will claw it back in the mail-in vote.

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They havenā€™t counted the mail in ballots, which are overwhelmingly Democratic no matter where they are from, and theyā€™re from overwhelmingly Democratic areas.

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This slow counting has these guys just saying the same stuff over and over.

I love the Twilight Zone (original, but shout-out Jordan peele), but I would have picked a different story line for my personal episode.


From what I read they dont start counting the mail in ballots before 8 am. So thats in about 4,5 hrs.

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No, it varies by county. Most started counting Election Day at 7am, but itā€™s a slow process. Some red counties arenā€™t starting til tomorrow because fuck Joe Biden thatā€™s why.

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WaPo says ā€œfalsely assertsā€¦ā€ better than LOLA Times, worse than NPR.

If Trump is re-elected I am actually going to jump on the end the media bandwagon.

General idea of my confidence in various states: I remain double-maxed on PredictIt in WI and MI, only single-maxed in PA (would double max if I trusted SCOTUS on the remaining mail-ins thatā€™ll arrive til 11/6), sticking with my $500 in GA (would max it if not for Brian Kemp).

Iā€™d love to see all your posts in this thread tonight, quoted back to back.