The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Okay I know you guys hate betting market talk, but the line is so extreme that I don’t get it. If we assume NV still looks good, how is Biden not a fav? He just needs to hold WI and MI, are they looking bad enough right now?

Had a couple of students tell me the same in my first class. It doesn’t affect them heavily and the race is presented on cable news in an entertaining fashion.

They certainly don’t mean it but I had to point out what the stakes are and my anxiety about the outcome. The fate of my homeland hanging in the balance isn’t entertaining to watch.

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Woke up at 7.30am, 45 minutes ago. Most powerful person in the world is now some judge with crazy views who most people have never heard of.

Wisconsin is really tight. Need an uber kicking in Milwaukee in an hour.

Just for the record I don’t hate betting talk, I just don’t like it being used as a predictive tool.

there are 6 judges with crazy views who most people never heard of, to be fair.

I admit I actually googled it before remembering the easy and obvious rule, but I’m much drunker than I was in my math olympiad days.


Trying to decide if I set my alarm for Milwaukee.

Well I slept for 2 hours and had a dream that AOC did a livestream of her painting a pumpkin to calm us all down. Very little chance I get back to sleep.

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It’s in 45 min. I think. Might as well wait it out.


lol are you trolling?


Ffff Wisconsin drop now only 45 minutes away… yeah I am really going to fall asleep now.

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Yeah he is a bit of a dog where I’m seeing. Just not gonna check anymore I’ve decided as advised by the thread!

Wisconsin gonna be within 10 votes or some crazy 2020 shit. Recount territory.

Philly expecting mail in ballot update at 9am ET

Fuck there’s no way I’m up by then.

I tried to go to sleep and failed. I took tomorrow off.


“Look we are expecting a big Milwaukee vote dump here at 4 AM”

Well, I don’t have shit to do tomorrow. But fuck you.