The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I’m more worried about losing when the votes are official than Trump winning his court case. But I’m like that.

When I watched in France they just announced the winner immediately at 7PM and that was it. Basically the same thing in Mexico too.

My Mexican gf was wondering what I was talking about when I said I’d be up all night watching the results. Now she’s fascinated/horrified by the USA process.


there has been a market for pelosi on PI for awhile now

Kornacki is a bit squeemish on Wisconsin now.

CNN will not call AZ they say they have to wait until all the votes are counted. Why are they even on the air?

We’ll probably do it that way in 2024.

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Economist guy calling Biden 1% wins in WI-MI-PA. Or is it loss? Fuck idk.

Lol at those ridiculous column headers.

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i mean I don’t think Penn/Michigan/Wisconsin even allows late ballots. If the SC rules against something here it’s practically a coup. I was wrong about this before when I panicked.

We’d rather have boring

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Yeah, you can pretty much fuck right off rubbing that fact in our faces.


Grunching cause I relocated from my buddy’s house to mine after that LOL speech but I continue to be calm as fuck. We got this, and he’s not going to be able to steal it by stopping the counting of votes that were already in before polls closed. He’s drawing to Proud Boys lighting shit on fire, and so far everything has been calm.


The speech was pathetic and sad, he looked like a total loser and he looked defeated.

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Yeah, and we’re just “both sides leftists” who hate everyone, I can’t imagine how all the people who actually care about this are doing. Ho hum.


ralston just updated, looks good for biden still votes to count

the # of votes from same day registration which normally wouldn’t scare the hell out of me, do here

I’ve heard this like 100 times over the past 15 years. Or 4 years or however long this hell has lasted.


Pretty impressed with Kornaki still going strong on MSNBC after the rest of the A team bowing out. Other news stations switched to their B team? Other starters sticking around?

CNN has cuomo and king is replaced too

Their commentator squad was also replaced except for short guest spot by Santorum.

Wtf at Iowa. Looking like at least 2 dem incumbants could lose and the third is in a race wayyyyyyy closer than any prediction service listed.