The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

The responses to that Shapiro tweet are fucking gross

I know betting odds are banned ITT but without getting into more detail, Bovada lines give a verrrrrrrrrrrrrry slight lean on GA for Biden vs the other 3. So, good hunch maybe.

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For anybody who might have some stress induced insomnia.


Why is there still major stress on the server? Seems like the activity has calmed down a lot at this hour.

Name 1 Twitter.

Bloomberg called AZ

so even if we get the ballots counted and if they hold up as expected to razor thin margins in those states and it gets through the courts we still have to get him out of a barricaded white house where he still gets 2 months to do as much damage as possible on the way out, if he even leaves


Send in the fucking UN


NPR has the current tally 236-213 for Biden. Iā€™m watching MSNBC and they have it 220-213. Freaking slow as CNN.

Probably because our dear admin has gone to sleep when that wasnā€™t true.


sorry about that


Pretty interesting to hear FOX turn against Trump

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what do we know about Nevada? are we safe there?

Should go to bed, but not feeling like it yetā€¦fuck meā€¦

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Democratic norms will protect us.

We literally donā€™t know yet


And fade faithless electors.

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LOLA TIMES ā€œTrump has made unsubstantiated claimsā€¦ā€

There should probably be odds for Trump, Biden, Pence, Harris, and Pelosi.

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And Hillary?