The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

No automatic recount is required, but one can be requested if the margin is <=0.5%.

(So about 25,000 votes)

MSNBC is openly mocking his presumed declaration, so that’s sorta good.


Trying to come up with some optimism about the Senate and did have one thought. If Biden pulls out the Presidency and the Georgia runoffs become critical, Trump is going to give exactly zero shits about those races. Presumably Biden and Obama will spend a ton of time there trying to help Warnock and Ossoff so… maybe?

Probably wishcasting but I need something.


Idk I just read that Tenney claimed victory after being up like 10%. Hopefully he pulls it out.


I hope Tenney dont win…

Would it be absurd to assert that if Trump squeaks thru, it was due to those rapper’s endorsements?


that was an easy one

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Maddow was snarky, but now Williams is being sleepy and worried and full of somber admonitions about Trump’s upcoming statement.

Nope that would be the reason nailed it good job.


Would it be absurd to assert that you should go home and get your shinebox?


This seems highly likely. If the “recount” involves the GOP challenging every single absentee ballot, GG.

Easiest special Sklansky question ever? Gotta be close at the very least.

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gonna be funny if trump comes out and just shits on Fox News for calling AZ

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the better response

Trump statement soon :expressionless:

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dont air it ffs. its 2am and no one is watching anyway

Well I might be going to sleep y’all. It’s 8 am here and this election night has basically fucking sucked.

My girlfriend woke up half an hour ago asking about the state of things, and it turned into a pretty depressing conversation.

Good luck not turning into even more of a banana republic, I guess. Good night.


It is hard to imagine the MAGA crowd turning out if Trump isn’t on the ballot.


Georgia just added some votes. Couldn’t tell how many, as I just happened to see the numbers change, but it looks like the deficit is still about the same as before.