The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

NC needle still at 83%, whats the story there

Didnā€™t we lose seats in FL?

Imagine losing to Trumpā€™s ground game. Well played eDems.

Had there been any tightening? Since the beginning, Biden jumped out to a yuuuge lead, and Trump caught up and has been building an ever increasing lead.

Hmmm, Iā€™m using CNN for my claim, which may be behind. I do remember hearing about a loss in Miami-Dade.

Still drawing live to Mitch stroking out soon.

Wisconsin down to +3.76 Trump.

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The margin is huge right now, and I donā€™t have definitive enough information on the exact amount of vote outstanding across all the rural counties and donā€™t want to assume we run up a margin there, but I think we do.

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There was a virus

Excellent. For #1 we are 2/4 and will know within hours if we have 3/4 and then the whole thing


outstanding votes lean blue

They accept ballots for several days after the election.

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Stll some blue-ish counties with 10-15% uncounted while it seems like most rural counties are all counted.

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Estimated 450,000 votes outstanding in GA. Enough to swing it if we waffle crush Atlanta.


What do we know about Michigan?

Iā€™ve seen basically no coverage.

NY 22 flipping R
NY 24 staying R

Upstate NY WOAT


There was a tweet saying thereā€™s still quite a bit of uncertainty around what might come in and be counted over the next few days.

I was about to ask the same thing. Who knows details on whatā€™s outstanding in MI?