The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Make this man your president.

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Holy shit, GA is going to be incredibly close. Could easily be within 10k votes out of over 5 million cast.


yea the place i used to go had both on site and if they decided you needed drugs then you could visit with the psychiatrist for the drugs.


No kidding huh. What a complete whif that oversight was.


Well that post took a turn for the dark.

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this makes me nervous

True winners tonight are the after-midnight local commercial buyers.


Lucy McBath romped Karen (lol) Handel in my district, GA-06. Also, it looks like GA-07 is close to flipping blue. Dem is up with 95% of the vote in, but it hasn’t been called.


Good spot that is tracking the current called totals for POTUS, House, and Senate. GOP up to 47 in the senate now.

I know I can click a link but it’s easier to type here, are D’s + seats in the House yet?

She might win the the general in those states, but not the primaries.

GOP still up 1 at the moment

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You live in a state that allows liquor delivery. You lucky, lucky bastard.

NYT calling Montana for republicans so senate all down to Georgia and Maine.

Still has to fade courts, ballots getting tossed, etc.

Two gains in NC that were entirely expected due to the change in the district map. No losses.

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Do you know how many votes are outstanding? Unless 5 people can count really fast I still think there are enough votes uncounted that Biden can get a slightly more comfortable win.

I don’t really know if McBath accomplished much of anything in her first term, but one thing I like about her is that she really is in it for the right reasons.