The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

It doesn’t feel that way, but when all the votes are counted it might look a little different…

Pulling the rip cord for the night and will resume scrolling from here unspoilered in 6 hours. May the odds ever be in our favor.


There’s still about 10% of the vote outstanding. Seems pretty likely that is absentee that is heavily Dem? Biden’s not winning, but I don’t think we can rule out him improving a fair bit.

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Lol I feel guilty about the 2 beers I had. I hear that wine bottle on the shelf calling me.

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There are some absentee ballots outstanding, so maybe depending on the amount that moves the margin to Biden. Does seem like a big miss though.

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Not to get greedy but I’d love him to bink all 3. Just binking MI and winning by 2 EVs seems like a big mess and leads to two questions I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know the answer to:

  1. Anything stopping a faithless NE-2 elector?

  2. What happens in the case of a tie in EVs?

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come on man.

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Yeah, it looks to me like this is an election where Biden is going to have won the popular vote by about 6, so improved on Clinton’s margins by 4 points or so, give or take local variance.


it wouldn’t even have to be a NE-2 elector. we would have to fade all 270 electors from defecting

i think EV tie is Trump + Pence, or at least 2 republicans. Cuz house picks president (but its 1 vote per state), and senate picks VP.

The remaining Atlanta votes are likely to push Ossoff / Purdue to a runoff.


I’m extremely confident in MI, Prob 65-70% confident in PA if not more, and GA is 55/45 in our favor IMO.


My Congressional district (MN-2) has a 150 vote margin for the Dem out of 400k+ votes. And that’s with a 3rd party candidate who was recruited by the GOP to steal votes from the Dem by running in favor of legalizing marijuana. He has over 23k votes. Oh, and he’s dead (literally OD’d in September)


Maybe try a psychologist. I don’t think they prescribe drugs. Maybe go to both, a psychologist for counseling and a psychiatrist for whatever drugs you might need?

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Fucking moronic system that has an even # of EVs.




Only for Democrats. If the situation was reversed the Republicans would ignore the Senate because ultimately it has no power. Just like winning the house in 2018 didn’t stop from Trump doing a bunch of stuff he wanted. The Senate is only powerful if you respect democratic norms.


The Ds are picking up House seats, we don’t know whether the Rs will control the House vote.

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65-70% seems lower than I expect given your much appreciated optimism, is this gut feeling or based on returns (I have stopped following an hour ago)?