The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Not at all dissimilar to the make up of every other group in the US.

I need less alcohol and any opiates.

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Yeah thatā€™s either a bad take or a horrible reality.

Could be both!

seems like if its 269-269 we lose

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Most of these that Iā€™m talking about are reporting >98%. Sure itā€™s possible some of them that are at 80 or 85% reporting donā€™t reflect mail in and will shift dem. I think that you guys are trying very hard to ignore looking at these counties and their numbers.

Man, fuck me, weā€™re going to have to sweat the next few days of Philly yambags slowly, very agonizingly slowly counting out ballots only to discover that Trump has won once again.

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Correct Biden 263 Trump 275

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You know how I feel about biden and edems so taking that into accountā€¦

ā€¦win or lose its gonna be exhausting and insufferable hearing this bullshit. Fuuuufchkkvffgvgā€¦

ā€¦ignore for a second how the following is gonna sound like that trope, the point is entirely different: I grew up on the south side of Chicago and all my oldest friends are black. They range from radical left to blue dog democrats and not a single one needs to get their ass eaten in order to not vote for the fascist orange fuck.



Ben would have no idea what to do if he had access to anyoneā€™s onlyfans.

Did this get posted and I missed it?



Alright alright you pulled me back in. Are we expected to get Maine, NE02 or Nevada today?
Whatā€™s the word on AZ Senate? Maine Senate? Montana?

sup pbal?


CNN just reported there are more than 1 million absentee ballots outstanding in PA. That could be a 500k pickup for dems. Biden is currently down by less than 200k in PA.

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Iā€™m drunk, lost 30 mins, 300 posts behind. Biden wins. Fuck you all.


Itā€™s going to be Warnock vs. Loeffler in a runoff in GA. Collins has conceded and is endorsing Loeffler.

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If the story of the evening is Trump gaining with Hispanic and Black voters, isnā€™t that potentially a good sign for the IA and ME Senate races?

my wife says, ā€œrepublicans tap into the inherent selfishness of humans, and itā€™s a huge fucking obstacle to overcome.ā€

yeah thatā€™s prob it


Biden is behind 14 points right now? According to NYT.

Itā€™s a TARP