The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

That dude said 95.3%

You delivered the winning news riverman. The curse is over.

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Biden is not losing Wisconsin.

You really need to go to bed and come back tomorrow.

Now you are approaching peak post quality. Alcohol bro!


Scranton result is legit encouraging, one of the only encouraging things we’ve had all night.

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Jman posted something like 47.5 B to 50 T upthread. I didn’t source his numbers.

biden 355, trump 122


Guys, I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo drunk right now,


Get ready for Trump assholes to challenge literally every single urban mail in vote in the Midwest.

At a minimum, Democrats need to send their 5,000 lawyers to every shithole rural place to challenge those too.



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NYtimes is way behind. Decision desk has the updated total: he’s currently down 200k, about 4 points. It keeps fluctuating.

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It’s dumb. Bunch of dummies getting third hand information that everyone here has already seen, and then processed by dumb people and then converted into impure betting markets.

It is absolutely the most tilting thing about this place to me.

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Who wants to hear me sing on IRC Discord?


I report, you decide


Ok I am going to issue a mea culpa for the issue of Lackawanna County. I read Clinton’s performance in 2016 as a 13k win and not a 3k win, and thought Biden winning by 10k was worse.


Decision Desk:

Incoming Senate, current VP in case of a tiebreaker vite.

“ban” is a pretty weird name for your genitals, but this time it might work out!

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House picks pres.
Senate picks vp.

They count slow down there in Maine.

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