The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable



Ya this is obviously happening to some degree.

MI confirmed not counting mail in until today.

Arizona being called is like NYT calling NC and Georgia earlier. I donā€™t believe it fully yet

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Trump seems to be outperforming his 2016 numbers among working class non-college voters. Underperforming his 2016 numbers with olds. That dynamic means heā€™s fucked in AZ but could easily be competitive in PA and MI.

Who does the Senate pick as VP in 269-269 tie? What if itā€™s 269-269 and Senate is 50-50.

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How do you know the outstanding 20% is not all mail-in voting? Because thatā€™s what the way they count in PA would seem to imply.

Pittsburgh is enough to close the margin. +70K and only 16% reporting. Assuming the ratio holdsā€¦

How are NE 2 or ME 2 not called? How many people can there be there? Yes Iā€™m ignorant.

Gambolers donā€™t know shit until someone tells them to know shit.

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NYT called NC and Georgia? The NYT needle (lol) is still at 86 and 81% respectively for them.

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Itā€™s one thing for poles to be off but this makes legitimately zero sense. He was down 20 with women or something.

You cited to me one county. Fine, Iā€™ll buy that there are others out there that counted and he did better than Clinton I guess. There is still way too much out there from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, particularly early vote which heā€™s winning by like 50 points, for him not to win PA IMO. So maybe the story of the day is that Trump did better in the rurals than in 16 because he turned out his base like crazy, but Biden did better in the cities and burbs, which is kind of what we were expecting?

I thought the percentage of Trumpā€™s margin was lower than 2016? That would mean he is running worse than 2016.

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Lol at not just saying ā€œtomorrow.ā€ People way too drunk to understand Wednesday is already here in some parts of the world.


Senate doesnā€™t get a vote. Thatā€™s all the house.



Youā€™d be surprised what nickname Iā€™ve given my body parts


Itā€™s the current Senate that makes the call, not the incoming senate, right?