The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Well if there is one thing I’m sure about it’s winning a flip in 2020.

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He did

There are no paths for Biden without PA. There are no PA tipping point paths that don’t head through the SC. Literally Neal Gorsuch is our last hope.


WI+MN+MI+NV+AZ and either ME-2 or NE-2.

Hasan and guests still ripping on Nate without mentioning him.

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I posted this above but if this is in reference to the polls being off I think its more just Trump voters wanting to fuck with the media than being shy.

99% of the political worldview of these people is wanting liberals to feel bad. Its hard for me to imagine that there isn’t a percentage of them who’d get a call from a pollster and see that as a chance to fuck with the media.

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Rs literally stopped mail in ballots (aka D ballots) in all the key Midwest states from even being opened until this morning. It’s far from over. If we bink AZ and hold on in NV tonight then I actually feel pretty good.


Is there any reason not to go to bed? None of the tipping point states will be decided tonight, right?


Biden up 9% in NE2 with 57% reporting


What kind of drug is going to take to go to sleep?


Arizona will.

I think it means the market believes we will have certainty on a winner tonight or at least soon. Which means they think Trump won.

Yeah, it could be that, but it would be indistinguishable from “shy Trump voters” when you look at a poll’s results.

Fox just called Florida

So Biden can still lose PA, and win if he can take Wisconsin and MI. He just needs to win two out of three of those states (assuming Nevada and AZ hold). I still think Biden is winning this.

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Are we actually sweating Trump winning the popular vote at this point? He’s up by millions of votes, wtf. (This w/o CA, but still…)

What a freaking stupid election system we have


California takes forever

We’re probably fine without the posting throttle for now, but I think that decision should be made by the person monitoring the server stats, not by people blindly guessing at what they think the situation might be.