The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Researching Japanese citizenship requirements…


eh, their job is basically impossible. Single digit response rate and falling, it’s only going to get worse.

I will lose my fucking mind if we lose MI and WI. How the fuck could you get the polling even more wrong in the same direction after 2016?!


Can the west coast just fucking secede already. Having a democracy with 300 million people who don’t even live in the same reality and certainly don’t have close to the same values is stupid.


With a blue Nevada and AZ, you got a really nice grouping of civil war states from New Mexico to Washington.

I am 100% down for a Westexit


If a Dem Senate candidate had been known as whatever gay name y’all been calling Lindsey the Republicans and Trump would have been hammering him the whole time. Not saying that’s right but pointing out their bullshit with regard to his prostitute action seems valid. inb4 Clovis

they corrected for education though, all good now lul.

Legit there was an article or tweet a day or two ago about how if they hadn’t fixed their methodology, Biden would be showing even bigger polling leads then he was.

Hill lost OH by 8% and WI, MI, and PA all by less than 1%, so if Biden keeps the margin within like 6% in OH I’d think that would be a reasonably good sign.


My Trumpist Dad who I bet 50$ with just called me. He said 50%, I said 80% Biden. My talking points for that call came from this thread.

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New jersians lucky as all get out. They legalize marijuana so they can just ignore trump for four years if they are white males.

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I’ve always pondered if the coastal states should embrace States rights, gut the Federal Government, and set up a multi-State compact for things like health care, social programs, etc. Don’t think it could work, but man, feels more workable at this point.


Howd you miss em? They have frickin laser beams on their heads

Georgia needle slowly shifting towards Biden? Went from like 86 to 82 now.


Tommy Tuberville. What an effin joke. I watched him absolutely quit on my wife’s Cincinnati Bearcats. He will phone in the whole job and just do whatever Mitch says.

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Who feels like watching some Project Lincoln ads right now, what game changers they were!


TBH I think NC is still close. Most of the votes yet to come in are in Biden counties.


Biden +600. God dammit.

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I don’t really care what the SW does, as long as Canada will take Washington in I’m good. If y’all want to come along that’s cool. We can leave San Diego so the USA has a west coast port.

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Wish I kept my money on the sideline til now, good God I’d be pounding it but I’m already maxed out for the risk I’m willing to take.