The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

So we’re basically in the same boat as last time. I’m gonna give Biden MN.

He needs to sweep MI, WI and PA and that’s the only way.


Yep, at one point I thought San Juan, PR might be interesting to live in, but now it’s just far too scary having to sweat hurricanes all the time, and just gonna get worse with each passing year.

Fucking Headspace chiming in with a timely notification. Fuck off this is a job for alcohol


So Biden is picking up all the suburban votes where are all these Trump votes coming from?

Trump -400. Sure it’s close! It’s over here whether it is legit or not.

How are you not drinking right now FFS


Hispanics apparently.

I find it kind of hard to believe that the great weight of money in the market not only understands the way vote counting is gonna go down in PA, MI etc but is capable of interpreting early results there. Where’s the evidence that there’s a big polling miss in the Midwest? Where’s the evidence Biden is doing poorly with whites? As far as I can see there isn’t any.

I was in full meltdown mode right around now in 2016, FWIW, I remember trying to explain to people on 2+2 threads who were looking at The Upshot or whatever that things looked very bad. This time around, meh. It’s a bad night but I’m not in doom mode just yet.


Let me tell you it’s not easy. I worked out for twice as long and I’ve been pacing frantically since. I feel like I could run a marathon with all this nervous energy.

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So, I still think Biden is going to win, but holy shit if he doesn’t win we’re on track for a historic popular vote / ec split because Trump would have to have won exactly what he needed everywhere. Like Biden could end up winning this by like 5-6 fucking points and Trump still won the election.

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I’ll need to work for the $ I lost.


God these betting markets are the nut low. Post them if you want them but if you really think there are a class of people with insider knowledge making rapid bets on this shit, you’re a dumbass.


If, of course, the numbers are legit.

This is far from over guys. I think NC is going to recount territory, which is probably a pretty good sign for a Biden win of a similar size to Trump’s EC margin or a little bigger.

But that said, I think Trump is going to claim victory within an hour.


I’m starting to feel like obligatory burpees and I’ve been drinking wine since 5 CST and then whiskey and beers.

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I mean apparently we’re gaining seats in the House, so Biden is probably crushing the popular vote. What a disgrace this country is that Trump victory is even possible here.


Swapping from beers to mezcal… and not the celebratory one.

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I disagree, that’s not what this looks like. Biden traded hispanic votes in swing states for useless suburbanites with college degrees in both blue and deep red states. Biden looks on track to win a huge popular vote margin to me, bigger than Obama in 2012. And he could still lose.

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Let’s see if I have this right. Biden needs to do one of the following: win MN, MI, WI, PA, or win MN, MI, WI, NV, and either AZ or NC.

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