The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Jason Miller on NBC saying Trump is going to win Minnesota…they must be cheating if this comes true right?


If Biden loses, the failure of the Democrats to deliver tangible, easily understood benefits to average people from 2008-2010 will go down as a primary cause. With a massive mandate they delivered the opportunity for people making $60k a year to spend $8k a year for shitty health care. That’s it.


I just don’t get how ex-Trump staff, ex-GOP justice dept officials and Lincoln project all come out saying Trump is unfit. And the needle doesn’t move an inch.


It’s correlated. If he underperforms in one state he is likely to underperform in others.

STONKS futures going absolutely nuts, not sure what that means

The Maricopa stuff is mail in and early collected through Friday.


A top shelf margarita would be great now. I need to really stock my bar properly I end up buying what I want and when it runs out I never refill it.

Hmm early AZ looks promising

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Because tons of people who never vote turned out to support Trump. We are in the middle of a huge culture war.


Wouldn’t California be closer than 2016 to balance that? Not that it matters.

Gto :heart: move


Yeah I’m on CNN too but mine are saying not to get too disconsolate about the acreage of red because of the unknown distribution of early/late votes.

Basically it’s a huge mess and far from over yet. If I had to choose I’d go with Biden assuming a PA win isn’t overturned.

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If Biden loses it means this country is full of racist ignorant ■■■■■■

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Even if he wins that’s still the case.


I think the Dems are as good at elections as you are at polls.


Probably happy that the loser is going to concede and not start a civil war

i was hoping to be done with this by 9pm est.


And if he somehow barely pulls this out it means this country is full of racist ignorant ■■■■■■

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well, we kinda are.

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Trump pulled ahead in NC with 90% in. Up by 30k.

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