The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

You guys are even more cynical than me. I’m gonna log off.


If Trump wins, I’m considering a voluntary permanent vacation and will probably never waste my time with the voting process again. I’ll put my head down and work another 5 years or so and then hope I can still get the fuck out then.


Ordinarily yes, but you should consider whose money is moving the markets.

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Yeah, Chris Christie, noted number crunching election guru. I’d snap take 1-2% too. There’s no indication whether it will be 2 or 6.

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Can people who log off just log off? You are all great and I seriously like this place, but you can’t go 2 months of trashing WAAF-attitude and then be like “this is too dark” when we are legitimately all fucked.


Free simp!



Small cap futures are in a free fall. Small caps benefit the most from stimulus.

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I don’t understand the math on these models but based on local coverage I think the “% reported” numbers are way, way off due to mail-in and early voting, like honestly to the point it might be breaking the math of the model

Needle must be way behind.

Just for the record, as a Canadian, leaving the US helps, but not that much. Trump fucks up a lot more than just the US when it comes to climate change, democracy, global stability, etc. etc. etc.


Yeah I’m extremely depressed around climate change and massive deregulation

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I’ve watched Carribean Life and can afford homes in those countries if they will let me in. Fuck Canada. Not sure why I’m not there already tbh.


On a phone so it’s hard to check but does MI WI MN PA get it done with NV and not AZ?

Trump also has direct effect on the success of stuff like Brexit and Bolsonaro and even Netanyahu.


I am bigly overweighted in small cap value. I am very smart.

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I’m sorry we’re harshing that nihilistic buzz you crave.

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Not a single one of them in that primary win here sadly with these R numbers.

Supreme court stacking talk was so insanely stupid, that turned a lot of people back to team R in the polls at the end. and don’t get me started with lol 413 electoral votes (why I didn’t sell all biden shares right then? because I’m dumb too)

Joe’s oil comments were an unforced error but they didn’t matter in the end. Defund the police was a huge political error. Joe got caught trying to straddle the line between moderates and progs and ended up failing. Can’t win that way.

Yes. Even without NV.