The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Wife just melted down into a 15 minute rant before slamming the door to the bedroom. @JohnnyTruant you got room up in canada for 2 + a dog?


What? No. Virginia is still missing like a ton of early vote. These percent counted numbers are wrong.

I switched from Cab to double fisting Founders and the Laphroaig.

Not that anyone cares, but Iā€™ll eat a ban if Trump wins. I donā€™t really care how long because who cares about anything if he wins.


Remember that Nate was saying first NC results would be Biden, then some Trump, then Biden right at the end.


No Champagne of Beers for me tonight!

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Thatā€™s awesome. My son is only 4 so he is not aware yet. I donā€™t know how to handle the first time some racist assholes kid lets him know heā€™s not white.

How do I even deal with that man.



We might see a few recounts in some critical states.

This is what I donā€™t understand. Everybody said all those early and mail in votes will still need to be counted. Now everybody is saying those were all counted first and the outstanding votes lean Republican???


Good lord itā€™s really all on Pennsylvania. If Biden canā€™t win his home state then wtf.

I have nothing constructive to add. This is hell.

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Iā€™m like halfway through a bottle of bunnahabhain and donā€™t see a stopping point any time soon

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wait what?

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It varies by State. Everyone was spazzing about PA because they count mail in late, but some states report mail in first.

Only in PA do they wait until polls close to start counting the mail in votes

It varies by state. For example, New York doesnā€™t count mail-in ballots until three days after the election ends. Others count them after polls close.

ā€œSon, white people are the worst people in the whole world.ā€




NOV. 3, 9:47 PM

Chris Christie just said on ABC that he thinks Trump will win Ohio by 1 to 2 points. Maybe ā€¦ but, if so, itā€™s not such a bad result for Biden in terms what it implies for other states because thatā€™s basically what the polls showed there. If Biden loses Ohio by 1 or 2, heā€™s probably winning Pennsylvania, in other words.


Ok Iā€™m turning off the TV for an hour, working out, and praying