The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Somebody please post some good news I’m melting down

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Fucking insane, per CBS $300 million fucking dollars got spent on the NC senate race. But we can’t have universal Healthcare because WHO IS GONNA PAY FOR IT


I think Chris’s point is that if it goes red by some low number, like say 2.5 points, then PA is likely Biden, since PA was +7D relative to Ohio in 2016.

It depends which votes we’re seeing in Oakland County and Macomb County. Those are bloodbath numbers right now.

Are we losing Virginia too?

Trump just took the lead in Texas. He won’t give it back.

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Read on 538 that cities have underreported so far

So no

Oh I’ll tell you where you can look, Nate.

I can’t wait to get lectured on how not letting Pete destroy the progressive platform in 2024 is bad because Fox News dunks.


dril on the Chapo stream now.


Yeah exactly, Biden is prob in good shape if he only loses Ohio by a couple.

lol no

Nate on some channel on Hasan’s feed.

Wife and I (really just the wife) started another round of IVF shots on Sunday.


By 2030 the US will be marginalized on the world stage and we’ll be more concerned about who is leading China. The US President will be as relevant as the Spanish, uh, Presidente?


This is literally over. The Dems ran the one candidate less animate than Hillary. Gjge.


How do I go to work with all my Trump coworkers I can’t do it



Can UP buy a big island somewhere and start our own non deplorable nation?

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That’s the plus side @Riverman was looking for.

Relevance is overrated.