The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

nothing changes



Michigan looks fucking terrible.

Trump’s within 20,000 votes with 65% reporting in Ohio. Seems bad.

More info: OH is a cesspool of disgusting idiots. It WILL NOT go blue. Please don’t waste a second thinking we have it.


Maybe Biden people hedging?

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Oh no I have no hope at all that OH is going blue, it’s just a proxy for PA and the rest of the Midwest. Like I don’t want a 5% polling error there, is what I’m getting at.


Those of you chicken littling a bunch of us saying this was coming down to Pa and that was going to get Gorsiched seem like you are on standby for some lashings.

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No talking about markets!

People voting for Trump are not voting based on any facts whatsoever. It’s all about their feelings.


I think I’d snap take Biden loss under 4% in OH right now, which makes him maybe 3:2 in PA.

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Lead in OH is disappearing, MI is a bloodbath. Shit’s bad rn.

Officialish from Milwaukee County, key blue county in Wisconsin: won’t finish counting until 5 AM.

Michigan isn’t a bloodbath.

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Good thing Pete and Co. rigged it. What fucking legends.


Yeah the Hispanic population in the US is fairly diverse and does not share big commonalities like black people do.

This looks about right. It reminds me of the behaviour of in play markets with constant over reactions.

It’s funny, I grew up in such a liberal progressive bubble in Northeast Ohio that I had no idea that the state as a whole was anything but until well into adulthood.

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What do we know about the votes here? I’m watching this board, MSNBC, and checking discord here and there. No needles for me so my info on MI is limited. Obviously if we lose MI then the night is over.