The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

A truly wild thing if we see a Hispanic shift towards Trump is that they were absolutely subjected to way worse outcomes wrt COVID. Maybe it just wasn’t as widespread or obvious as Trump leaving the olds to die.

I’ll keep posting this but early voting by party affiliation was dead even in NC. Either like 85% of registered Republicans voted, polls were lol wrong about independents, or it’s closer than the needle says.

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dems are screwed either way for awhile–the answer to that will be heavily debated but it’s not clear other than badly needing someone charismatic and not an establishment creature.

He just responded to your post.

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If you scroll down from the needle this sums is up pretty well. The big red blobs mean votes left to be counted in red counties. You can hover over them to see they’ve already broken really hard for Trump on the mail in votes.

If something unfortunate ever happens to this asshole I may have a celebratory drink. Fuck him.

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Man, watching these clowns on all the networks clicking on little counties in little states and rambling breathlessly really drives home what a ridiculous, stupid fucking Calvinball of a system the US has to elect its president. Good lord.


It’s mindboggling. Trump just needed to siphon off some of them, and he has.

Great job DNC! Historically unpopular president in the middle of a pandemic


Biden’s lead in NC down to like 30k. Cunningham’s down to 14k.

im out of this thread for now
i dont have a shred of hope left about anything

Following the election results from Japan through this thread and have no idea what is going on.

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A crazy thought exercise is what happens if Trump has a passable response to COVID. He wins 400 electoral votes?


Don’t really get the size of the market move here. It’s not a good night for Biden, clearly, but I think there’s too much extrapolation that this polling error will be nationwide. From what I understand Ohio looks pretty solid (more info on this appreciated). NH is hitting polling dead on. Remember last time with the polling error across the Midwest, NV outperformed for Clinton by like 3 points. Polling misses aren’t at all uniformly distributed. I’ll start panicking when I see evidence of a polling miss in the Midwest.

That said, it doesn’t feel good for this to probably be coming down to PA.


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My mom and stepdad coming through.



They’ve bought the better to live free and die than blah blah line.

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Grow some working legs asshole

if Hispanic vote really breaks that differently from 16 Biden isn’t winning the popular vote by a large margin either. This country just voted for Trump, it’s not a gerrymandered congress seat.

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