The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

So it’s PA or bust? Pretty much worst case scenario so far.

NC gonna going for Biden. I will not go negative until there’s a stake through my heart.


The Clinton voters’ votes are already counted because they mailed them in. The remaining votes to be counted will trend towards Trump, even in lean Dem districts.

Again, most of the NC vote outstanding, according to NBC, is election day. That was always going to lean Trump.

This is impossible to follow. My anxiety is off the charts.


The only ideology there is, making libs cry

I’m all-in on team “the needle is fucking horseshit”

IF the needle is horseshit, Nate Cohn can fuck right off, because that’s two election cycles in a row it’s been worse than fucking useless on election night. It was a complete unmitigated disaster in 2018. That said, I think it’s still wishcasting to think it’s wrong but w/e wish away.

NC accepts late mail votes don’t they?

PA drags on for days and gets overturned maybe. Bad news.

Yes, we aren’t dead there

I lived for 2 years in AC, it’ll ne 2/3 blue.

State needles seem to have been spot on tonight as the vote came in. It recognized what was in, and what was still to come, and shifts from 2016.

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it’s fucking working. maybe we should have countered it with an ideology that isn’t “we’re nicer”.

Dems gonna move further right lol I want to die

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Wasn’t the needle down quite a bit in 2016?

has the needle ever been right?

“Caged children should get two rations a day, not one!” Generic D 2024


CNN saying Biden leading in NC, OH, and WI.

Britt Hume talking about betting odds on Fox, I will not summarize his remarks ITT.