The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable


With Hickenlooper getting called, what other 3 seats can we get? Maine?

A huge chunk of the population is completely brainwashed into thinking Republican = Low Taxes = Good Stock Market = Good Economy and Democrat = High Taxes = Socialism = Bad Economy.


Bovada flipped to Trump favorite now.

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On Pinnacle it’s almost a flip in OH. -115 Trump -105 Biden, there’s some hope.

We’re not fishing for an OH flip.

Trump 1.8 to 2.2 favourite now

Do you guys realize that they haven’t even started counting Atlanta yet?


@marty join the discord chat now Discord


Dave is on Chapo’s twitch feed right now

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It had the outcomes pegged almost right away. They did a great job with it.

Sorry, too late. SCOTUS says only votes counted by 9:00 pm count, tough break.

A good chunk of those states don’t begin counting absentee ballots until after the election.

LOL, you.

It’s 2016 all again.

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Biden favourite for Ohio on pinny

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NC is gone.

I was referring specifically to NC.

So, worst case scenario at least nothing awful gets passed by Congress? Obviously we lose the judiciary for the rest of our lifetimes and god knows what else horrible happens.

Highly volatile though. No one really has a fucking clue yet, but it’s not the Biden crush everyone wanted.

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