The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Fox calling house, says Dems increase their house majority by at least 5 seats.


New Mexico is much more liberal than Arizona, fewer rich retirees from Ohio, etc.

Usually urban places are the last to finish reporting votes, so I got no clue what is happening.

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Anyone have guesses on Ohio yet? The gap closing so quick is scary

I’m refreshing and seeing tweets that I thought I read like a half hour ago and it says they were posted 5 minutes ago. Time moving in slow motion rn

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Jason Mercier who is hardcore deplorable bet 400k to win 800k vs EM2 who appears to be in a barely cognitive state.

Does NC have a bunch of backwater counties with large populations remaining in the 21% not yet counted?

Colorado Senate first called flip of the night.

@superuberbob Most of the NC vote outstanding is election day.

lol yes - OH is never going blue.

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Biden just needed to pack it in and kill more people with corona.

The problem in that even in the blue counties, it’s expected that Election Day vote - which is counted last - favors Trump heavily and will erase the Biden lead.

BIden is not winning Ohio given the other states so far. His path to victory is Mi/Wi/PA. Very doable, but that’s probably about it at this point.

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QAnon lady wins the House seat in Georgia.

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Still drinking, grunching 200 posts. Everyone chill, Biden has this.


Cubans were not turning out for Bernie in Florida. Bernie had strong Hispanic support in the primaries, but he really pissed the Cubans off.

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Thats my kid. We are multiracial family. Dad is white mom is not :frowning:

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I mean we’re fishing for an Ohio flip right now. Just imagine how much fun we’d make of people on CP or whatever sweating Minnesota results on a blue wave night.


NV should barely hang on