The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Not worried about Michigan, they’re reporting today’s vote first and mail will come in later.

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Yeah. I was hammered and basically acting like most of you. Only it was at a pub where people still had hope.

Yea IIRC we were sweating Virginia at this point in 2016

Yes and no. She was losing FLA, NC, GA and all those, but those were lean Trump. It was about 10pm when we realized the mid-west fucked us with a rusty dildo.

Yes. That’s why there’s still hope for a 2018-type outcome. But… I think we’re closer to 2016. And best case is we win after chaos.

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live #. its now at 66% Battleground States: Election Forecast - The New York Times

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The wall talk was toned down and they liked the machismo?

Looks like it missed the Panhandle with the direct hit. Better hit it again.

Radio silence from Wasserman, what a fraud


Coinflips are independent events, motherfucker!


That this is even going to be a sweat…


He’s on the NBC decision desk, prob doesn’t have a phone.

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What a horrible waste of your ration.

Hey wait a second…


it looks like they all herded toward an electorate % that was wrong.

Also enthusiasm candidate always overperforms polls by some points. I thought it’d only be 3 and it’s looking maybe 5+.

Bernie would have done better with Hispanics worse with whites because white people don’t have to vote blue no matter who.


He’s doing tv work for NBC. Said he’d be off twitter for most of the night.

Ohio is our best chance at having comfort at bedtime.

NC is gone. TX is gone. PA will be counting for a week.

NC getting close and TX hanging on by a thread

Don’t think Bernie would done much better. I mean moderates know the socialism tag on Biden is bullshit. On Bernie, white people are going Trump or staying home.

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By the way, this “one post per minute” totally fucks with the “how many posts” poll. Fucking riggage.


Yep. Trumpaholics won’t get off the bottle until they hit rock bottom. And they haven’t hit rock bottom yet. Over the next four years though.