The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

What did trafalgar have in PA/WI/MI/MN? Wasn’t PA close?

Great job ignoring hispanics Joe

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I assume Michigan is some weird quirk of how they’re counting day of versus earlies? Because otherwise WTF is going on in Michigan right now?

Maybe we’re the crazy ones here. I mean, if you look past his racism, incompetence, grifting, love of dictators, violent rhetoric, and his shitty pandemic response, he’s a pretty good president, right?


So Texas looks bad, Ohio looks decent?, and I have no idea wtf is happening in NC. Also, remember folks, Florida is the first ones fucked when catastrophic global warming takes hold. I know I’ll feel a little better dying in a fire knowing they drowned first.


Yeah I mean SCOTUS is completely fucked without the double bink, fuck

Took them for granted

Probably thought, “Oh they’re putting them in cages and are deporting them en masse. No way they’d vote for that!”

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Found a county with 98% reporting in Ohio (the highest amount). Wayne. Was +34 for Trump in 2016. Is +16 so far tonight.

I’m hanging on to any silver lining at this point.


It doesnt make any sense. How the fuck does he win white women in 2016 and now fucking Hispanics in 2020. What the fuck is happening?


Ohio just shifted from like +250 to +130 Biden on Pinny.

Overall Biden went -145 to -165 with it.


In Biden’s defence, he got shit on whenever he left PA. If he went to appeal to hispanics in Florida/Arizona people would have accused him of trying to run up the score.

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can we stop with the wtf? what’s happening is Trump is landsliding. Trafalgar is right. Nates are toast.


Hey guys really wish a Dem candidate tried to reach out to the Hispanic community, seems like that would be valuable


Would it be any real surprise to anyone that a portion of MAGA shitheads tell pollsters they’re voting for the Democrat just to fuck with the polls?

This is an idea I’ve had for awhile.

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Hillary was in MUCH worse shape at this point in the evening in 2016, yes?


NC headed in the wrong direction on the needle. I think I need an hour-long break.

94.4k new covid cases on an election Tuesday. We’re live to 200k cases per day on December 1st

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Yes, but a lot of that is because the vote is being counted much more slowly and weirdly because of pandemic.
