Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

What did you sell for, if you’re willing to share?

$1500 sans commons, which I have a feeling is probably a tad low but it’s real money on Venmo and the list of names in the Hologram drop didn’t really thrill me. There’s a giant drop after Steph/AD. Also the pool of buyers was like 2-3 people at most.


To think this morning I was considering investing more money in this. And now I’m almost happy I didn’t get a pack. Yikes!


Goddamn. I opened UP and saw there were 200 unread posts in this thread. Figured it had to do with those $1,000 packs.

we’re now up to one holo total sold of my player **** this gambling **** I wasn’t even gonna do it today sigh but nooooo I got tricked

I might still gamble a common pack or two or whatever but not that ever again.

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This pack just seemed bad, Lebrons and rookies are what are going for tons and I’m still unsure how legit all those purchases are or how sustainable they are. If no card is going to go for 5-6 figures it’s just not worth it.

It’s probably better for the health of the platform and ecosystem long term tbh though.

I’m just never putting more than like $200 onto this before they put some info out about cashouts for non Americans residents.

So i ended up the big winner?

I just dont get how the marketplace is sustainable when:

There are thousands of each card listed, almost as many as are sitting in people’s collections.
Only the lowest ones sell, and sometimes like a #1 of something.

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This ended up a huge pain, yes

well jonny won by someone buying his morant first before it dropped 1k.

I’d have been better off pulling the malik beasley holo right now that’s how bad this is going for me atm.

I did flip a one dollar card for three. just too man ysellers, not many buyers, simple as that.

Lol it’s not

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I dont even mean with these prices, or even like 25% of them. Like, you have 1000 of something for sale and a handful of the lowest listed ones sell each day.

It’s a total clown show.


god this is a pain in the ass lol


You made 500 bucks or so buying a youtube vid you dont own

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Everyone itt wanted these packs to sell. I just find the market aspect kind of fascinating right now. Almost everyone itt convinced themselves that this $1k pack was +ev (probably true, but not as true as we thought this AM) but no one itt would buy a single card for $1k unless it was terribly mispriced.

I just want to see numbers on how many people have spent ~$500+ on a moment. Is this 20 people or 200? We have probably 10,000 people willing to spend that much on unopened product, but like with any collectible it’s not worth as much atm once opened.

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But the packs are worth more than 1k because of your chance to pull one of the better legendary cards or a #1/jersey#. One you opened it the value changes.

I think that topshot will create more challenges with those cards to try and keep their value

There were a lot of unread posts, what did I miss?

$1k packs that ended up a total clusterfuck

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But what if tomorrow they release $5k packs?

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well the holo prices are still tbd, looks like some of them are actually moving now in the marketplace

I got a bottom 10% pack and will still end up in +$ so lol.