Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

most of them are the same one just with gold border and whatnot, so it’d be the common base

time until a player shouts “top shot” during a game or somehow wears like a t shirt or something, DURING A GAME
  • this weekend
  • by next weekend
  • before april
  • before may
  • before the nba finals
  • no player will mention the NBA TopShot phenomenon until the nba finals when lebron james makes a full-court basket with 1 second left to win game 7 and he rips off his jersey like the hulk to reveal he was wearing an NBA TopShot Moment t shirt of him making the shot he just made

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Someone will use Top Shot as a gimmick in the dunk contest.

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i think all star weekend is gonna be top shot central… but this weekend is probably correct lol.

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i hope she’s fat.

i’m worried it’ll be harder to buy packs when 300 million chinese nba fans find out about this as a long term store of value

wait till they get the yao ming run it back out there

I know that’s a joke, but seriously, where is Top Shot going? All it is right now is a get rich quick scheme for crypto bros and botters. It’s not a legitimate collectibles hobby site. I mean, I’m thrilled that I paid $9 for a pack and now have $150, but nobody can actually collect these “moments” for just the fun of collecting.

Oh yay, we all now have single-digit-percent chances to buy a pack every few days.


people are spending gobs of money on digital all sorts of stuff that’s similar to the real world

it’s a thing, yes a thing that’ll go immediately to shit in a market downturn, but it’s a thing

not much difference between collecting cards outside of not having to need physical storage for it

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it makes a lot more sense than buying land in everscape or whatever virtual world i never heard of

don’t sell your car or anything, this is fun money probably closer to mfc tokens than sports bets

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I guess my problem with it is that it is billed by the companies as “the chance to collect your favorite players!” when that’s not really what it is. It’s really, “use your crypto tools and multi-accounts to game the system!”

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ready to buy the dip! wen mp

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I personally wouldn’t do it, but I can now see this being grotesquely huge for fans, provided that the ev of packs eventually drops below their listed price again.


i’d think the utility of the land (assuming there is utility) would make that more attractive than this?

Oh certainly. If the cards were actually reasonably priced and packs could be purchased without winning the lottery, I could totally see how people would enjoy this stuff.

blockchain, baby

yeah lol, but what are they supposed to call it?? :rofl:

maybe marketing it as a mixture of the stock market and sports? as less of a hobby/collecting venture and more as day-trading/investing?

I think it’d be pretty neat if somehow everyone got together and decided that the moments’ values were tied to player performance, so that the marketplace COULD be treated as a stock market for sports…


just being on the blockchain is worth more than being able to rent out the land? or mine it or whatever they do in that game?

pretend i’m an idiot.

okay just assume it lol.

edit: the land can be a money maker beyond just appreciating in value like the moments, right?