Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

That’s how it was not even 6 weeks ago. Packs wouldn’t sell out for days.

stonks always go up, idk man i’m not a economist. it’s nba blockchain and it’s going up, that’s all you need to know

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there’s still a few packs

from people who couldn’t buy earlier

Pretty sure the devs on discord flagged Josh’s account when he brought up botting to them. They discovered this website and the people using Goofy’s tool and they’re punishing all of us for their angle shooting.

This is the only explanation.


Any quick advice, I have 150 in dapper and 139 in murray and 110 in barrett that are like 70 and 45 now respectively. Feels like getting out of them after they recover to like 80/55 is sensible. I yolo’d them at the peak when I bought in, and they’re just albatrosses now. I assume with around 250-300 I could go for some bargain hunting and just recoup some of those losses.

those two may or may not recover for a bit, barrett for sure has 1k new cards about to drop in the market.

hard to say what’s going to happen at the market open except I’ll get beat to the card I want right now and a bunch of cards will go too low but maybe bots get those or josh or something

today I got beat by flippers twice and that bot I’m not naming anymore. Kinda making me not want to bother the hard way doesn’t work.

i dunno, i guess i’m still stuck between wanting to get as many reasonably priced s2 moments as possible and the nagging feeling that $20ish being the cheapest moment is just too damn high…

maybe s3 will solve that problem? bc there HAVE to be $1-5 moments, you know? if they over-produce commons in series 3 then i guess i can buy that all these series 2 commons can stay at $20ish.

and maybe if/when millions of people get to the site, 15,000 copies of these common series 2 forces the prices to stay that high because supply is so low, even if demand for my boy ish smith isn’t sky high.

i’d really like to spend like $500 this weekend buying 6-8 moments in the $60-80 range, players i like or that are elite. but i can’t shake the feeling that on tuesday they’ll be worth $150…which, i swear i’d be good with as long as i felt good about series 2 being something like series 1 going forward into 2022+. like, i definitely can see it with top shot def making it clear they intend to mint a lot and not just stop at 25k moments for each moving forward. i just wish it were series 1. :roll_eyes:


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it’s winter time, we have a whole spring and summer of nonstop basketball to go. we have 3 more days in the cool cat challenge and mp is about to dip so get in now or you’ll regert it

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sold lol. wasn’t gonna take much.

okay so assuming i’m gonna spend some money this weekend, what do you (and anyone) think I should be targetting? my idea of 6-8 $60-80 moments? or more cheaper moments? a handfull of $150ish?

pretty sure whatever i do, my two ISHIES will become four ISHIES by sunday.


edit: that’s supposed to be to beetlejuice

Drop over mp plz

i tried to spread out my buys too when i started, and it worked out well bec some went up at a higher rate than others and i still don’t know why, really. but now i’m trying to snipe some stars watching the live feed on rayvin and trying to figure the card’s base level on evaluate.market

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I think that they will end up printing a lot more than 25k of these upcoming 25k+ CC S2 moments. And by time next year rolls around (S3) we’ll see 250k+ or more CC stuff that will be worth in the $1 range. If you believe the product can scale up from here then the 15000 LE stuff is going to be very valuable, not as valuable as the 7500 or 3000 or 1000 S1 stuff, but still should appreciate in value.

I suspect what we’ll see is people trading a lot of their CC+ moments around to try and make enough money to buy an LE moments.


i’m taking “soon” to be like, “may or june”


but in your opinion, they’re gonna lower the entry level on the worst commons one way or another, right?

on series 2?

because if that’s the case, that’s where i’m hesitant. i guess if i’m bullish on top shot in general (i am, or maybe more accurately i want to be. same difference) then beetle is right… looong season to go, TONS more people will be signing up. obscene amounts of money will be getting deposited.

even though i just spend time re-reading the first couple hundred posts in this thread and really (really) wish i had gotten in then or earlier, in time there are going to be TONS of people that wish they were me. both in terms of how this all works, and in terms of having some series 2’s, etc.

i’m just at the point where i’m going to go from spending $9.78 x 2, to depositing several hundred. not anything that will hurt me if it all comes crashing down, but not $9.78 x 2 either :slightly_smiling_face: and it sucks that with say $500, i’ll never, ever sniff the ROI i got from less than $20. that’s the thing that gets me i guess…

but the longer i hem and haw…

listening to a podcast with a dapper guy and it says there will be 2 more holo icon drops.
i wonder what the waiting list for a 1k pack gonna be

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Well, there’s just no way your or I could get like 5+ packs a day, probably ever. Could there be 10k of base packs available everyday? I believe this.

$1k is absolutely out of my price range.

i’ll absolutely be in the waiting room.


At least 150,000 probably, by time they actually do it

i’m only 3k away from cool cat, if market dips to 2k i wouldn’t be able to stop myself