Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

half of that shit tier has 1k each dumping tomorrow* is why

*maybe we’ll see

alright who got brogdon 22

oh it’s the kawhi guy 007bond

he’s been buying things trying to flip for a buck which is odd but ffs damn you flippers

wow none of you want to buy my tacko fall huh

nvm there he goes, to Sandy

I picked up a culver at 15 at near bottom last night and only flipped for 17 because I had no clue if it was going under 10 or over 20 but it went back to like 28 at some point today. Capela was 30 and I think he’s over 50 now.

capela only has one card on topshot, holding mine for now.


new bot or just fast?

i was super fast on that too i felt like, got myself all hyped

that botting mf

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It doesn’t look like botting to me but seems like a donk play to buy all the way up like 8x in price.

I don’t understand why he needs to remove the sold ones though. Can’t he just alt tab and if it’s sold not click? That was the weird part for me.

I’ve sold all of my sub 500 stuff for 3x low ask or more except for a Capela that I kept listed overnight and it mooned and I only got like 1.3x for a 250 serial. These are all lower terms sales ranging from $70-215, it seems like the higher tier stuff doesn’t go for as big a multiple at those low serials but that I just based off looking at sales and not personal experience

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how quickly do you find that your sub 500 stuff sells?

I totally get why he’d think he could trick people, there are few people who are insane enough to microtrade things. But speaking as somebody who does microtrade crypto, he’s botting like a mf. Obv he can line up all the things and click them fast, but the part he glossed over was lining up all the things.

Like ok, here’s a sequence I traded this morning:

The first sell and last sell are the red Xs.

Then throughout there are cascading buys.

Etc. Right, so, I made over 100 “trades” in that 35 minute span, I have a 50k stck of COTI that was cycled through more than once, and even then there was some waiting and adjusting. But that sequence only came up after 7 indicators were aligned, and more importantly, I had to be looking at the screen when it happened! Sure, after that I’m clicking like a bot out of hell but then it’s done, and what I can’t do that a bot can do is keep trading, especially the sequence right after:

The guy in the vid just totally omits the part of lining up a bunch of profitable trades, the most time consuming part (or in the case of a normal market the “consumed” time is waiting for the spot which might not even come up) and the part a bot is most needed, scouring for the spots, and jumps straight to “hey look I can click buttons fast too lol”. Real amateur hour hours up in here.

Most of them were a within a 12 hour period, i think my fastest one was like an hour were i sold a 1xx robin lopez for $150 when the low ask was $25 which seemed ridiculous. One of my Capelas took a couple days, I had a jamychal green that took a while too maybe 12-24 hours. I paid a premium for most of them so the profit wasn’t amazing but I haven’t lost money on one.

I bought that scrub ass Damion Lee card from you! I looked at it for a bit and figured I could make $60 or $70 but ended up selling for $290. I think we might be tanking that card with our low sales :joy:

This my most hilarious play yet

Same card (labron 1401). I bought for 1489, sold for 1899. 3 hours later, that person sold it back to me for 1479. Then i re-sold just now for 1669.

(i wish you could sort those tables, the date/time are out of order obv)


I saw this, LeBron right? I was watching the original market and laughed when someone sold a 1401 for less than I sold my 13351 like an hour earlier

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The video isn’t botting. People in thread, including a guy who wrote a bot and knows the lag and loading times, were calling bullshit on that video being real. The first half of the video is the dude opening moments in tabs then closing all of the ones with no buy buttons. He finds exactly 3 of them in 36 seconds. Then video cuts and comes back to a page with maybe 100 tabs with buy buttons.

In order to buy at the pace he’s been buying at, he’d have to average ~133 moments purchased per hour on an 8-hour shift with no breaks and no pauses. It seems borderline to me because it kind of implies he can’t have time to think or look at anything and instead just buys everything. I’m sure you noticed at the beginning he was adding $40 Lukas and by the end he was confirming $200+ Lukas. That’s quite a spread.

Oh snap yeah I grunched before seeing this post. I had to watch again just for the hilarity of the jump cut on the most time consuming part. My man going with “a wizard did it”.



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yeah that doesn’t seem humanly possible unless he is literally putting zero thought at all into every decision. even then doesnt seem posibble really, given how long it takes for him to do the setup shown

Haku buying all the low serial KD 15000 on a spree

they got over 1000 moment wows

I’m pretty sure I know the reason he does it this way. He’s a very well known power buyer, in that he picks a card he thinks is undervalued and buys a ton of it. People follow his trades (and others like him) and try to get in on the run. If you can find someone in the middle of making a move like this it’s free money. Basically, you can buy while they are and sell after they’ve driven the price up - often you can even sell it to them if you want almost no risk. I have him and a few others bookmarked and did it a couple times for some quick $.

I’m assuming this guy noticed that people were doing this and by preloading his buys, he can complete almost all them before anyone can notice and take advantage. I actually noticed that a few days ago that he was doing 30+ buys in a single minute and thought he must have started using a bot to auto-buy - guess I now know his method.