Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

Right, they don’t say you can’t bot the marketplace. I think they were even PRO bots on Kitties which pretty much got ruined by bots. But also they banned pickle, right? And react has been M.I.A. because he hates money? I doubt it.

this is straight from the “more rake is actually better” school of no thought

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what is a good ratio for low serial vs low price meter anyway a rough estimate somewhere

I guess if a bot or one of you didn’t snag it already I probably shouldn’t now

If it’s sub 1500 and equal to min bid i usually buy

sub 1000 and even if its like 1.2x minbid i usually buy, but only for really good players usually

otherwise i usually avoid for flips unless its like insane deal, the <1000s are harder to flip unless you had a great buy and are just looking for a quick profit

well those I wouldn’t have thought about like sub 500 2x type stuff

k, harder to flip makes a lot of sense, I figured if it was a great deal I wouldn’t still be staring at it

i dont buy 2x for anything. Maybe if it was sub like #100 serial or i thought it was like an insane longterm hold. It’s too risky IMO

I just bought a KD #251 for $750 and that’s probably the max i would have paid for it. But it’s going in to my HODL stash

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Do u just memorize what the min bid is?

I go and click buy and then while the dapper page loads I quickly go back to rayvin and click the view listing to open in a new tab.

if its a card i dont know much about i try to scan the last 12 sales as fast as possible

We don’t actually know what they’re cool with because nobody has more than 5 minutes to say anything other than “Rescheduled!” The term “botting” could mean a lot of things and we are using it loosely itt. The biggest problem right now isn’t necessarily automated behavior, it’s the fact that they own stuff before we even have a chance to buy it. There may not be any actual bots involved with that: maybe it’s a tool that manually fires transactions into the blockchain ahead of everyone else, or maybe it’s something more nefarious like influencing a node or exploits by an insider.

I dont do any of that and ur still beating me.

i dont lose out on any time doing those steps like 9 times out of 10. Processing your order part usually takes like 5-10s and that’s enough for me to very hastily scan for cards i don’t know about. The min and max bid also show up in the tab, so you don’t need to scroll down at all if you’re just trying to see if a 1xxx is going for minbid or not. I also have 1000MB internet or w/e and i’m on ethernet instead of wireless so that prob helps

(Question open to anyone)

Thoughts on the video the guy posted of opening hundreds of links from cryptoslam then alt-tabbing through the purchases and confirms?

which video? i missed it

Maybe if u worked a little harder


hoping all those ish smiths end up biting him (his bot seems to really like a bunch of ish smiths that aren’t that cheap)

but ish isn’t one of the 1k cards incoming, he’s just 358.

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It’s buried in that thread I posted. Let me find the link to the post.


It’s not that I don’t believe a person can alt-tab quickly, it’s that he spends 36 seconds (sloppily) finding 3 moments with buy buttons. They look like low-ask Lukas. Then it cuts and comes back to a screen that has a hundred or so of these loaded up in tabs, which he proceeds to speed buy with alt-tab and then runs back through on the confirms. Of course he doesn’t show any of the buys actually being confirmed and I have to imagine a fair number of these fail, especially in the time it takes to find 100 of them.

someone got a 99 kawhi and insta flipped it and it wasn’t one of us

we’re all slacking

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shit tier tanking again, this time I’m happy because I moved out of almost all of it for about +10 dollars and I have like 150 in dapper for some 3am bargainz

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whatever they did the website is MUCH faster now