Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

Yeah these packs would sell at 1k

You will have 20 people here who would give you $500 for it before we know the contents.

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bah bought two cards to flip and marketplace stuck again

That’s what I did with the $1k pack. Mistake. Wait, I didn’t buy which was the mistake.

Perhaps trying to sell my three commons for $69 was a mistake. Probably time to drop the price. Of course, now is the time nobody wants to meme spend.

EDIT: lol and now it won’t let me cancel the sales.

EDIT 2: Now it says there’s more maintenance.

Yeah if anyone hits on a pack tomorrow and wants to sell it unopened, post itt and I’m sure you’ll have offers.

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Ok, ok, I’ll buy a pack for $99. I won’t get a low enough spot in line, but I’ll buy it if I get lucky.


So do I have to have funds in this dapper thing before hand or can I just buy on a credit card or something when I get lucky?

Credit card works fine.

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Bleugh that is 4am in Australia

Bro, you got a pack today, chill. :stuck_out_tongue:

think I have to hope for a delay

like my odds on that


Ok so I just need to create an account before noon tomorrow and then be ready to buy if I get lucky?

Probs create one now. People have had issues creating one shortly before drops

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I got a flag and hold on my debit card adding money so called my bank and told them it was supposed to come from my Dapper balance but not a fraudulent charge so to not let it go through but not block or report the company. Now, I can’t add money with my personal or business card. They banned me.

ETA: My account isn’t banned or anything but both cards keep getting declined but more than enough money than I’m adding. This is why I preload.

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Too bad I can’t

Email signup is temp disabled so I chose use Google account and that failed so cannot currently create account.

Are they making the whole thing unstable so people feel lucky when they just are able to get in and buy anything that they can while they can?

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I can remember watching exactly one NBA game in about the last 15 years. That was game 7 when the Cavs beat the Warriors. I probably can’t name 15 current nba players. If I’m jumping in, it’s probably the top.

lol did they give everybody a random weird name when they signed up?


Did with me