Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

and still can’t list anything, err n/m finally went through

we should probably build a botnet that hypes topshot to morons on facebook and twitter


So with 11k packs, there are 949 each of:
LBj 3
Ja (910)

All of these are 200+, they have to drop, right?

Now we’re thinking!

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Have they ever done drops relatively early EST?

they tried one at 3pm but crashed and rescheduled for 8

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Don’t tell me I have to wake up at 4am tomorrow!

Every time they’ve tried since it blew up they’ve pushed it back several hours. Think they tried noon once on a Saturday. Might have been the 1k holo pack.

Everyone keeps saying 8 hour notice for premium packs. I don’t know if that is true though.

Yeah I may sell by LBJ 3 because this is my worry (I’m also just generally skeptical of this whole thing lasting at these prices overall)

where dip

9am pst tomorrow packs



for real?

I’ve had mine for a week and a half. The night I opened it, the low was $96. The next day it was over $200, and it’s peaked at $2498. Since it’s peaked it’s gone as low as $1299 though.

Will we crack 100k in line?

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Hoo boy. I don’t know if I want to spend $99. I probably will, though, since the EV is likely high. I like the $9 and $14 packs.


I mean the 5 commons alone gotta be worth way over $99

Tax return hit my bank account today.

Is there a limit on the premiums?