Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

That Harden pass is one of the least athletic looking plays I’ve ever seen.

I was thinking how the music would amplify the excitement of opening of packs now that prices have mooned before I got denied for the last packs.


i sold my gobert holo for $1200. I am pretty confident it will reach 20k (if it hadn’t already, i didn’t check). he’s not in this challenge which probably means the next challenge will be get the gobert card and win an NBA franchise.


Still under 10k.

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6 days left in the cool cats challenge. basically an eternity in nba topshot time


I’m basically just hovering until the weekend on prices.

Friend will loan me Barton

Want Herro at $850 or leas, other CC 650. Hopefully MPJ and SJ drop under 100/70

Probably wishful thinking.

20k is only if it’s part of a challenge or crypto/stonks go back to mooning instead of tanking, I guess last sale was 6500.

also it’s warming up here, people might go outside again now

marketplace up

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Getting crushed

Didn’t someone post the S2 moments that are going to be added soon? If so can you repost it?

i don’t think we know them

getting sniped by josh first thing this morning


Barstool bigcat getting into GME and meme STONKS marked the top almost perfectly to that. Hopefully better results here.

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watching terrance ross series 1 on the right side on ravyion is not what i want to see

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a dip is here.

Yeah I must be behind as well mine has been up post pause

the marketplace is super slow right now (i ‘bought’ some moments 5 minutes ago and still on pending) so it causes people to lower asking prices

are you able to buy stuff josh?

yeah but i’m being patient and only snagging really obvious deals. Rayvin is overvaluing Zubac right now so it’s flooding the right side lol

The website is slow. The moment will often show up in your account while it still says pending (or at least that is how it has worked for me in past slow-downs).