Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

Lol I just logged in no problem. Lol fuck you dapper. Maybe spend less time playing WoW in your moms basement and code your site to not be the Trump of websites.

god damnit cuban just made 500 bucks on luka

Are there any actual humans really collecting this crap or are 100% of buyers speculators and it could just as well be thing-a-ma-jigs or whatsitz?

that lebron i missed today will haunt me cause the bots weren’t trying

lol peter jennings just went on the stream from the hospital where his wife is giving birth.

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I think I may have gone too far. Otto Porter #92 LOL.


probably a good buy but those cards are harder to flip

saw it and was like no yuv down yuv

oh you’re scaredmoney? you’ve been buying tons today.

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I’m in for the long haul and it is only about 2.5% of my account so it’s all good. Still feels insane to pay $192 for an Otto.

I am about to start liquidating 35 or so Aytons (well at least the bad serials) to keep up my low serial strat with some flips in there too.

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worst feeling is ninja buy og $50 wait patiently for the red dot and then see like 21s

I literally can’t name 3 current basketball players so this is just a slot machine to me. :grin:

Actually it’s more like a slot machine where the casino door randomly opens or locks when try to enter then if you do get in your asked to wait in a gigantic line where they draw your name from a huge spinning lotto ball for the chance to pull the one armed bandit one time.


So fucking tilting to be locked out while the bots were off. I was ready to buy baby, buy.


the bots were off during the dip too, so even more reason to buy like our boy josh here.

i’m done till like is gone. impossible

nba nerds are up late night all night buying cards and i’m simply hodling like a champion, reaping all the profit (soon)



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priorities, babe

the father being present at the birth is so pointless. he contributes nothing, and he can only gain a horrifying memory he can never shake as he watches his sweaty wife poop on a table right in front of him (or worse)


Alright, I signed up.

All the PAX are sold out.

Do I have this right:

  1. Wait for PAX drop.
  2. Buy as many PAX as I can click. Preferably cosmic.
  3. HODL
  4. (this step unclear)