Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

I saw that one, i was surprised to see the timer on it so slow! I didn’t have my mouse near the button when it popped up though.



1 for 78

i guess because it was 1004 or something and bots are doing 3 digits


Mine went from $1900 last night to approx $3278 now.

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Oh boy. The Ayton I got sniped on 10+ times is now up from $30 to $65. I guess if there’s something you think is undervalued in general the play is to buy slightly above the lowest ask so bots don’t fuck you.


i still can’t figure out why ayton and vuc are much lower than coby white

I agree ayton doesn’t make sense but White has the young guy premium over vuc

why does it matter?

Down to only 8 Wiggins cards now. That was probably the best trade of my life, and it was also not close to one of the best ones I could have make. It might have actually been a bad trade relatively to all possible things I could have done!

Now, time to see if it was a mistake to sell the Wiggins cards and test out my theory of the star players holding more long-term value.

Right now my portfolio is:
(8) S2 Wiggins assist - [2] 3 digit
(8) S2 Kawhi 3 pointer (10,000th point) - [1] 3 digit
(5) S2 FVV 3 pointer - [1] 3 digit
(2) S2 AD Dunk (assist from LeBron!) - both 3 digits
(1) S2 Ja Morant

My next plan is to try and sell my highest serial cards to generate $ to use for flips, or to swing in to lower serial # cards, targeting a portfolio of all 3-digit cards long-term.

I like the Kawhi because it’s a 10,000 point, so another card of him shooting a random 3pointer shouldn’t degrade its value too much. Similarly to AD’s dunk, because it features a great assist from LeBron. I think the quality of the moment/uniqueness will matter long-term, so this is why I trying to focus on that in picking cards to HODL


Was gonna ask if you had done this already.

have you seen this website?

this shows the new S2 cards coming


probably not, i only have notifications set for the announcements / site-issues channel. So the only way I would find out would be by dumb luck of refreshing the page at the correct time or if i happened to notice it in a random channel on their discord by chance. Maybe just something that notifies us when that webpage changes would be ideal

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Your live stream firing off a code red might give a 5 or 10 minute advantage over people idling discord or w/e.


I have to imagine the bots are going to absolutely destroy the next “event.” For one thing, I bet they are all sitting on an insane amount of cash compared to these WSB donks buying Lavines for $200. Even if they aren’t, they’ll be able to liquidate quickly and efficiently when a sell-off begins. Then they’ll identify crazy value and buy the unsealed blocks faster than anyone realizes what’s happening. The only thing I’m hoping for is that there just aren’t enough of them to literally buy everything that’s obviously +EV and that WSB crew is holding bags with no cash and can’t unload.

Do it! Death to the bots!


Afaik, they haven’t expressly stated that botting the marketplace is illegal. I asked Jacob|Dapper in discord and got no response, but their website statement says botting pack drops is illegal. I just want an answer, and if that answer is no, then how is priority #1 not stopping bots from literally stealing millions of dollars from customers?

*One of the possible answers might be that insiders are the ones doing the botting. It seems really plausible to me actually since they have the technical knowledge, and that’s also what I was getting at with controlling or gaming nodes somehow. It takes a minimum of 250,000 Flow to operate a node. Unless I’m reading this wrong, Flow is currently trading at around $20 per “coin.” Some of the node types require 500,000 Flow. So it’s not a huge mystery as to which types of players could even have the ability to pull that off, although I don’t think that’s more likely than people just sending buy orders ahead of sealed blocks like you said.


AD reward cost has officially crossed $5k

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Only 4 @ 999 between Zion hitting my predicted 1k! :rocket::rocket::rocket:


Is there anything special about the Ja Morant S2 Dunk 15000LE card? I feel like that may be the next one I try to unload, he has another dunk coming later in S2.

This is what I meant. Right now they are just snapping the easy money and leaving value on the table. Is it fair to say that the volume on their simple buy strategy isn’t all that high right now? I think pickle was buying in the period where it was like fishing in a pay lake, i.e., people dumping Cool Cats for as low as $15. A bot without a rate limiter should look more like a T800 firing a machine gun into the water than a mechanical fishing rod that casts faster in those conditions. I expect the next pay lake (assuming there is one, which there almost always is in a bubble) will have more bots playing more strategies. That Russian guy claimed they had fierce competition in Cryptokitties, so I have to assume the same people from that are wise to this thing now.

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