Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

Yes 100 years is pretty close but check out the trajectory of this $3 card I bought 3 days ago:


wait… WHAT???

I’m also a math nerd, I’m gonna have to watch that too

@6ix - cliffs.

4 days ago topshot posted a blog that some cards market as cc (i think that’s circulation count. it means they can produce infinite amount of that card) will turn into limited edition, meaning there will be finite amount of those cards.

up until that point they were treated as pretty worthless cards. Ranging from $1-$2 up to like $40 to the Zion/Durant/Steph.

TopShot were kind enough to write this in said blog:

Any common Moment that you see with the “CC” designation below its thumbnail means that we will likely continue to mint more of the Moment. Please be aware, it’s fairly uncommon for us to retire a Moment (i.e. convert it from “CC” to “LE”), so it’s not a wise investment strategy to rely on it happening.

some people started buying CC cards hoping they would be the one turned into LE and prices moved slightly up, but nothing too crazy.

the next day TopShot announced nothing. Instead the site was crashing for the majority of the day. At the end of the day they posted this funny little tweet:

The next morning they announced ALL current cards will become limited. Meaning there will be no more than 15000 copies of Lebron Series 2 common card. All cards skyrocketed on what shall be known as Dumb Thursday.

They could have battled the inflation by releasing more packs, but instead they decided to release nearly none (they had one 15000 cards drop). More barstoolers came in looking to become part of history. A Zach Lavine common card that went for $3 on Wednesday is now going for $158. That was $118 when i last had the Marketplace open, probably 3 hours ago. It goes on for pretty much every single player.


yeah that one is fucking bonkers

There are cards of players you’ve never heard of that aren’t particularly rare or limited selling for more than a signed game-worn jersey or sneakers.

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react bot made a cool 25k, lol. they need to fix this shit

the other bots change their name frequently so you can’t track the values i think.

omg and the value of those moments are based on the lowest traded. So multiply that 25k by 3x or more because they almost exclusively snipe 3 digit serials and lower

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Crazy to think that shortly after the Cool Cat pack drop, $250 would have bought you 10 Cool Cats.


Lavine 200 lowest ask now

I believe someone in here asked who to get I listed 3 players, one of those was lavine at 3, he picked wiggins. he did do well with wiggins, just holy **** lavine highest ROI% spike I’m pretty sure

Yeah Thursday morning Lavine was trading at ~$5-$7. Wiggins ~$2-$3.

There are no miners on the Flow blockchain (well, at least not the part we were interested in). Miners are on a type of network called Proof of Work (PoW) where they solve complex math problems to unlock the block. They are meaningless math problems except for maintaining network security and they consume a ton of electricity. This blockchain mostly works on Proof of Stake (PoS), which is to say the nodes stake their currency (in this case it’s Flow), and the more they have staked the higher chance they have of being chosen to do the next block. What happens in PoW is you can essentially bribe miners to have your transactions ordered first (called frontrunning) which turns out to be a big problem pretty often. In PoS, I don’t think anyone knows yet the degree to which that specific vulnerability may exist.

who are all these people that just walk in and buy like 20 brons

also we hit 20 min for everybody for a second

Wiggins to 40 now - it aint over yet! I’ve been watching all the paper hands Wiggins holders sell their bags. I AM HODLING (half my cards still, and slowly selling them). Diamond-ish hands!!!


I’m about ready to try to find a way to bail at least some of these crappy ones, hopefully I can gift away something.

Yeah this is why i’ve been reducing my position in Wiggins. When I bought at $3 I thought that $30 would be an insane result, i never imagined anything higher.

I think at some point we will see all the crap cards dump hard and the good players moon even harder. Basically what happens after an alt-coin rally in crypto with people taking their profits and buying more BTC.

don’t sell anything until they announce new packs. there’s 0% chance the prices will go down before that.

i mean i wouldn’t buy daniel theis but wiggins is a big enough name in a big enough market. he wouldn’t be anywhere near the first to go down if something happens.

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I’m not converting to cash though, just reducing my position on Wiggins and getting more all-star level bluechip cards


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Merrill is back out of the G league! mooning time


My account is up 61% since 6 PM and nearly a double up since noon yesterday (2/21).