Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

I have had no cards lose value yet. What the hell with that poll? lol

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If I had all of these and wanted to flip some I would keep FVV, Fox and Capella

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Apply for more credit cards and HOLD THESE GEMS for AT LEAST 6 more days

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If you have to start dropping moments because they are not high enough profit you are a whole 'nother level I guess. I’d just add money to Dapper at this point. That Herro sell cost me a ton and I could have just deposited like $75-100 to avoid that at the time. Fuuuuuck.


When there are 100k edition of new Lebron clip lacing his sneaks pre-game from 3 different angles people won’t even remember Fred VanDumpster.


HODL - Ayton, Capela (only moment), Fox, FVV

Flip the rest if you need funds.

edit: I’d also keep Siakam - missed him on the list - I am holding a few myself.

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I’m slowly liquidating all of my Wiggins and non-stars (so just Wiggins and whoever i bought and am trying to resell), to buy more all-star level players. I’ve learned too many hard lessons from crypto back in 2017-2019 thinking I saw some hidden value in coins that no one else saw, and once everyone saw what I saw they would buy and I’d be rich.

But I was looking at it the wrong way. 99% of the price action on these type of assets is driven by speculation, and you can miss out on a ton of gains holding mediocre stuff (altcoins) while the rest of the market paces past you (bitcoin = lebron and possibly the other all-star level players, is my working assumption). There’s no formula like oh this player is maybe half as good as LeBron, so he should be going for half of LeBron’s price. It doesn’t work like that, LeBron is going to have 100x more people wanting to buy him because he’s better, so the price gap will be larger and continue to grow larger.

You also wanna have the cards people are gonna buy when they load up the website the first time. If they can’t afford LeBron, they’re gonna look to the next guy, and the next guy, etc. They’ll almost never buy most of the stuff you listed unless they’re trying to collect them all, Pokemon style.



Kids: We want a Jordan!
Mom: Sorry kids, we have Jordan at home.
Jordan at home: Canadian Jordan


got it!

thanks man :+1:t3: you’re like my favorite person right now, next to Ish Smith lol.

just screen-recorded my phone for about a minute while watching the moment and it showing on my page, that’s soooo much easier than trying to verbally explain it. thank you…


I think buying bam and SGA was better than loading up on Wiggins, but props to josh, Wiggins has 10x

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vuc appears to be the literally worst player to buy. goddamn americans

A thought - is it possible they are doing something to exploit the cookies in their browser to make the buy button show faster? Sort of like how on one of the pack drops that glitched, people were able to buy packs instead of waiting in line because of something with their cookies. I wonder if they’re doing some sort of spin on this and using it to their advantage.

These killjoys not delivering packs while bots makes million of dollars fleecing the entire community is outrageous.


If this was the WOW MMO crowd who got told things would be available and then missed out on a few potions or some dumb shit would be ready to tear buildings down for those losses. This is monetary loss. This is straight cash homie

Biggest problem right now is 99% of customers don’t realize how badly they’re being ripped off by bots.


Thats the beauty of getting advertisement from barstool. Those guys can barely dress themselves.

Lebron 3 has now lapped Wiseman.
Wiseman holding steady at $1200.
Lebron up to $1745

I sold my #27 Nwamba for $199, thats my biggest profit on a flip by a large margin (~140 after fees).

i still cant keep up with labron pricing though lol. i think i could buy one now but i’d need to liquidate a bunchhh of stuff


Cole Anthony has actually gone the other way for a few days, 600 to 520. so one card out there actually went backwards LOL.


SportsGuru will be a millionaire in a couple of months probably