Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

Not sure, as I don’t have the bankroll to actively flip those higher value cards currently. I did say this though in edit on my post

“Also i think the curve is flatter for the more valuable cards, like LeBron. I’ve been wondering if this means the low serial # lebron cards are actually undervalued currently.”

It could be that those cards are deals, but it could also be that there’s some diminishing returns where if a card is already going for a high price, people aren’t as willing to pay a premium for a lower serial as they are for the cheaper cards.


Yeah I agree with this. Can see the tenuous link with Crypto but that is 12093414 times more logical than this.

Yeah I mean if this is to end with stability at the top end then the big money is in flipping the shit cards at high volume.



Once I accepted that humans are barely evolved apes I stopped wondering why things like this can happen. Of course it doesn’t make any sense. Neither do a lot of other things though. At least this is legitimately fun (for now).

there goes asking what you wanted for clint probably more than I was gonna go since it’s a good serial #

then I looked at all rest of the prices for those cards and stopped

I also felt dumb arguing at first with people mad about the cost of bank transfers in here because I was confused as I’ve made 6 figures of withdraws from stars, ftp, dk etc and not gotten extra charges. Lol usa

I just scooped David Nwaba Dunk #27 / 12000 LE for $50. To sell or to HODL? I usually just wanna hold superstars longterm, so this may be a quick flip




I don’t think I could actually get much for it -


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@Lawnmower_Man how long waz the crypto kitties bubble?

I am totally talking out of my ass here, but a small minority of people are declaring crypto, right?

The Cool Cats was supposed to be like 12:00 pst and then ended up being like 6-7 PST I think? F5

tAkE mE oUt WiTh ThE cLoUd :cloud:
BuY mE sOmE bAsE sEt aNd CoOl CaT pAcKs :ice_cube::cat: (meow)
I DoN’t cArE iF I nEvEr GeT bAcK
fRoM tHe MoOn :crescent_moon: , mOoN :crescent_moon: , MoOn :crescent_moon: WiTh mY hOmIeS
iF hAtErS aReN’t In It’S a ShAmE (hahaha) :rofl:
FoR iT’s OnE :one:, tWo :two:, ThReE :three: pAcKs YoUr’E rIcH :moneybag:
aT tHe ToP sHoT gAmE :fire: :basketball: :fire:


Short according to those Russian hackers but I haven’t checked it myself.



remember when we laughed at $160k for a banana duct taped to a wall? the soviet union imploded, the united states is exploding into a supernova of capitalism as it dies


zion layups have been 650+ for awhile and there’s a 614 sitting there gl

that was 2 years ago, they really screwed up, it’d be a million now