Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

Little tiny ones I think

Fins? Close enough I guess.

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Either way, pretty sure the next one is mine.

I predict I get 4th place on this one.

#10 - Demons - Imagine Dragons

Since this is literally the only song I like of theirs, I figured this would fit. Hope you aren’t a huge Imagine Dragons fan…they are just so bland to me. But this song isn’t bad and I find myself singing along rather than changing the song when it comes up.

You see what I did there with the creatures with tails and wings? I got your hopes up you dodged a bullet, only to get hit by the next bullet.

The good news - I agree Imagine Dragons sucks. The bad news, this song seems like the quintessential Imagine Dragons song to me. Like if NASA for some reason wanted to put an Imagine Dragons song on a deep space probe to introduce ourselves to aliens, they’d pick this song.

I gave it an extra listen just to see if there was anything non-Imagine Dragons-y there, but I couldn’t find it. My best guess is the person putting this song forward once made out on ecstasy to it. (Believe it or not I came up with that before I knew it was likely skydiver.)


Our next couple songs hit the mediocrity daily double - tepid category fit and meh song.

Good. You can rank mine before I go to bed.

Lol no, no making out. It’s just what came to mind for the category.

Ok now that we’re done with the @ChrisV Honorary Imodium, let’s get to the middle of the pack.

#9 - Hokus Pokus - Insane Clown Posse

This song wasn’t horrendously painful. But then I listened to a bunch of other ICP songs and they seem to sound about the same.

Plus magnets man. How can you hate on that? And their shows seem have a pretty amazing vibe. And their fans booed Tia Tequila offstage.

And there’s a picture of two drop dead gorgeous full on naked chicks at an ICP show that seems to always pop up on the internet. I’ve always thought they must have a good vibe if girls can walk around naked like that and not be harassed. Even Burning Man lost that after a while. Then again ICP might have too for all I know.

So this song gets dinged because it’s hard for me to hate on ICP.

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I have changed my mind on the next song. We will resume the mediocrity daily double after we get the spiciest take of the round out of the way.

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ruh roh

i suggest you reconsider!

This is a reach.

Try being a naked hot girl at a Limp Bizkit show circa 2005 and get back to me.

Also I watched some kind of documentary about their shows and the vibe seemed kind of Burning Man-y but with hillbillies.

#8 - Pete Townshend - We Won’t Get Fooled Again

This is going to be contentious but I cannot stand The Who - pompous cock rock, and this version might have also fit in the different style category, But this one version of this one song I think is fantastic - Everything else blah

I gave this a little more of a pass I guess, maybe more than I should have, because of the bold stance and the writeup. And at least the song is one that many would argue is the band’s best.

Plus I’m not the biggest Who fan in the world either. Rock operas from Tommy to Styx Kilroy Was Here generally don’t age that well imo.

But come on. They’ve got at least a dozen great songs. You’re going to trash Baba O’Reily? Imminence Front? Who Are You?

The Pete Townsend acoustic version isn’t bad. But I like the original too. I mean this song is basically calling out the hippie-cum-worst-generation-ever phenomenon as it happened. The lyrics are incredible.


This is where I wonder if Yuv is like - holy shit my take wasn’t that spicy.


Yay, my take is tepid!

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Holy crap that does not fit this category.

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I bet the person who posted knew that and is probably surprised to make it to #8.

Ok back to mediocrity.