Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

In the old days when you had an analog cable box that looked like this:

You could adjust that dial on the right to get a better picture. If you went to the channel next to Cinemax and turned the knob all the way in one direction, you could get a clear unscrambled Cinemax in black and white. The sound was a nasty whirring, so you just turned that down. Better for mom not to hear what was going on in there anyway.

HBO and Showtime had different scrambling. It only worked on Cinemax.


The last two contestants eagerly await…

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Good knowledge if I ever get involved in a time travel caper.

At about 30 seconds of listening to the song that took first place, every other band’s ceiling became our next spot - #2. Nothing to be ashamed of. The song at #1 was a classic swing for the fences or strike out - and it hit a grand slam.

The tension…

#2 - Silver Medal Black Grape - Reverend Black Grape

My first impression of this song wasn’t great. I decided it sounded like a cross between Happy Mondays and Primal Scream. But then I realized I like those bands, so why wasn’t this working? It’s because I was watching the video. The white guy is super super annoying. So I turned the video away and enjoyment level skyrocketed.

Like I said earlier you have me at harmonica. And gospel singing motifs. And rolling beats that pick up at a good pace. This song I’d say is 90% of the way to being an instant classic. Definitely one I’d have on my ipod rotation indefinitely.


So close

Also lead singer of the Happy Mondays, so there you go

Play the motherfucking Tikva DJ

So without further ado.


Carlos the Jackal is not amused.

Hi Yuv, gold medalist, how did you ever hear of this unknown underground artist, you might ask dear fans

And to you I say, just keep your ears open. Always be out there waiting to find those unpolished diamonds in the rough like this Lamar fellow. With some talent and patient you might also become a walrus medalist. But probably not.


#1 - Gold Medal Winner - Kendrick Lamar - The Blacker The Berry

I admit I watched the video a few times on this one. And it helped. But the song would have won handily anyway. Lots of people in the youtube comments assumed it was about Floyd. But no it’s from 2015. Sadly, police brutality against black people is an evergreen theme.

To me this is like the street version of the Donald Glover song - This is America. But unlike that song, this one is super catchy and I actually want to listen to it more than a few times. The language is so fucking raw and real. I’m pissed now that I didn’t know shit about Kendrick Lamar before hearing this.

It has everything I love in a rap song - spooky haunted house background melodies, aggressive raggamuffin dude, even some soul divas near the end. And the rapping still sounds fresh and modern w/o being that mumble core shit that all sounds the same to me (/old).

Congrats Yuv - one of the best songs I’ve heard in a long time.


That’s what I do, find these obscure artists and bring them to the frontline.

I obviously got lucky that you are unfamiliar with Kendrick somehow.

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Deserved winner. Kendrick is goat and that song is elite.

Lol of course - that voice is so distinctive.

I’d heard of him but that’s about it. Please post other great songs here.

Honestly just listen to his last 3 albums in order and enjoy. He really is the best. GKMC>TPAB>DAMN for me, but plenty of others disagree.

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this but if you’ve really never heard any, this might be the best hip hop song of the previous decade

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I’m not seeing #4, #5, or #6.

Where is Tangerine? 4th?