Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

Didn’t provide them intentionally歌詞/

Scroll to the bottom for English translation

2-4 was very very tough. To speed things up I went around the table and tried to get everyone to give bubble boy $20 out of the prize pool. But our far and away chipleader said no way and continued to abuse the bubble.

And then he bubbled and everyone cheered. Lol Karma bitch! No not really. He still went on to dominate.

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I can’t believe I wasn’t last in this category! Plenty of time to fail ahead.

#4 - Led Zep - Tangerine

I did not remember this song and it didn’t sound like later stuff like Physical Graffiti or Houses of the Holy. So I looked it up and yep, for some reason I never bought Led Zep III. I think mostly I was annoyed that Hey, Hey, What Can I Do was only offered as the B side to Immigrant Song. So out of protest I refused to buy the album.

My first thought listening to this was oh - Led Zeppelin does yacht rock. Where are the hobbits and ringwraiths? It seemed like they almost wanted to rock out there in the middle. But then they come in with the Bob Dylan Lay Lady Lay twangy stuff. This could have been a good candidate for departure from a band’s normal style.

But then the more I listened the more I appreciated Led Zep’s pure genius with zigging when you expect them to zag. The sequence from 1:15 to 2:05 is just incredible. It’s like as a Led Zeppelin fan you know that every 5 seconds they could veer off in 10 different directions, yet they still somehow pick the one you weren’t expecting, and it works! I felt like Salieri trying to keep up with Mozart.

I think this Led Zeppelin band might be onto something. You heard it here first.


Good evening folks Looks like I’m still alive.
And podium, sweet!


Ok PODIUM coming up. I’m gonna take a quick break and eat some salad. Maybe do some power curls and calf raises to get my bro juices going.


Have some orange soda with the salad.


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What the hell, man.

Expect more of these moments in round 3.

Ok, salad and protein drink ingested.

Our next song reminds me of the kinds of albums I used to listen to while I taught myself programming. I would be in such a flow state that I’d just play the same CD over and over while 8, 10, 12 hours went by in an instant. Having to think of a different CD to put in would break me out of the spell. So I have a very big soft spot for any music that sounds like those albums.

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C’mon Melt Banana podium!!!


Led Zep and Harry Styles not really providing the new obscure stuff I look for in a Walrus tbh

Really enjoyed the RL Burneside track though

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Tbf i think suzzer’s categories really directed you towards known artists. Or at least this is the excuse i’m telling myself for my picks

#3 - Bronze Medal


X.O - Orange Soda

The song this reminds me of is Lo Fidelity All Stars (Really in more of an abstract way instead of beat):

Anyway like Sci Fi movies, I like almost any ethereal EDM-ish song with vocals, rapping, whatever. This song might have leaped to #2 if it was a little less repetitive. But still a song I would put in my rotation and take a long time to get tired of.


Some of them yeah - like the sucky band with one good song for sure.

Come again?

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Guaranteed a silver medal!

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Yeah, your right, I’ve just remembered all my other submissions.

Excellent judging so far

I know all of you were shitting on suzzer in our secret CoW pm thread but he’s alright in my book