Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread



Remember that I am extremely old. And not very cool.


I’m a passenger in a car right now but I always travel with the Hot Takes Dosimeter kit as a sanity check.

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Definitely took a bit to dawn on me that I’m at or maybe even below the average age of the forum members here.

Or at least the active members.

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#7 - Last Mango in Paris - Jimmy Buffett

You said Yacht Rock, right? Ok, I admit it. I’m a Parrothead. Have been since I was a kid. There’s nothing like seeing Jimmy Buffett live. I submitted the live version because that’s when Jimmy is at his best. Pretty sure I got a contact high at age 12 when I first saw him with my parents…no one cared that “grass” was illegal! This song is a classic. Yeah, it has fruit in the title (he probably has about 50 of those, lol), but it’s a story about a Key West legend by a legendary storyteller. If you haven’t read “A Pirate Looks at Fifty,” I highly suggest doing so.

I don’t hate Jimmy Buffet. In fact, I too enjoy telling old yarns that don’t really go anywhere. For example, a couple days after I moved to the USVI just after college, I was sitting in the Arby’s eating a cheeseburger, when Cheeseburger in Paradise came on the sound system. It was a special moment. You have to understand the Arby’s was more like a full service bar and restaurant with a nice view of the harbor, and really only sold Arby’s stuff out of one corner. Not sure how that happened, but it did. Anyway, I got my “Jimmy Buffet syndrome” phase out of the way very early in life. I learned that for me life on a tropical island would be a sweaty, sunburned hell. I’d be like one of those old sea captains who used to have fair skin, but now looks like a dehydrated pomegranate.

Where was I going with this? Oh yeah - so anyway I didn’t hate the melody. But right out of the gate “Last Mango in Paris” irked me. I mean it’s the title of the song but is it just a dumb meaningless play on Last Tango in Paris? So I went down a rabbit hole trying to find out if there was actually anything to the story, which landed me on the parrothead forums. Literally 3 pages into the thread someone chimed in with, “I think it’s just a play on Last Tango in Paris” (chimpstare.gif)

Then someone posted that Paris imports all their mangos. Which prompted this exchange that I greatly enjoyed:

But more interestingly, apparently the Captain Tony mentioned in the song was a real person, who owned a bar of the same name and was either the real mayor or honorary mayor of Key West for the latter part of his life.

So that reminded me a bit of Bill here, who had been sailing the Caribbean for 20 years and had more than a few stories he’d be happy to regale you with. To be fair his stories were generally pretty interesting, and some might even have been true. It wasn’t a bad spot to watch the sun go down, and I realized I’d probably be someone’s Bill someday (assuming I’m not already). Hopefully they’ll listen to my stories.

So that whole rabbit hole bumped the song up a few spots.


Skydiver is the resident walrus parrothead, right?

Don’t know, but I guess by process of elimination there can’t be too many other candidates.

#6 - Harry Styles - Kiwi

(Can someone make sure I’ve got the numbers correct so far, I always fuck that up)

This song probably isn’t inspired by a kiwi fruit, but it’s not mentioned at all in the lyrics, so you can’t prove that it isn’t. The album also contains songs called “Watermelon Sugar” and “Cherry”, so there’s a fruit theme going on there.

This song reminds me of Beverly Hills by Weezer. It’s a perfectly cromulent, fast-paced, tightly-constructed song. A fun romp that you forget the second you’re done listening to it. Nothing wrong with that. But that’s literally all I can think of to say about it.

Also the video is weird. Kids acting like adults always freaks me out a bit. But I didn’t ding it for that.


Stayed up too late to watch weightlifting

Still fruiting here

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And this would be me, just before I board.

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Is Sunday the day every unstucker flies somewhere?

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Who’s following that’s still alive?

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I am for now. Everyone gonna read and follow, don’t sweat attendance too much.

Dear God, the Jimmy Buffet Harry Styles 1-2 punch of death. Dosimeter says these levels are lethal and warns that an even worse Styles fruit song is certain death.


Well you’re in luck because our next band looks like Oasis but sounds like Creed.

Led Zeppelin disrespect ITT

One Led Zep song still alive.

It’s a lame one, tho.


Peace brother.

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#5 - The Birthday - Lemon

Picked this video because the one with the English title cuts off the first note or two of the song.

This is a catchy song that I liked more and more the more I listened to it. I suspect though that if was in English it would be a lot more forgettable.

Which is a good example of why I have a foreign language song category. Lyrics rarely raise a song up for me, but can very often bring it down down down. But when I can’t understand the lyrics - I assume they’re the most transcendent poetry you ever heard.

Just like all the old softcore porn movies (Emannuelle movies, Lady Chatterly, etc.) I watched in high school by turning the analog dial all the way to the left on Cinemax - to produce a very clear black and white picture, with no sound. The dialog in my little silent B&W art films was always superb. Until I saw the actual movie later in color with sound. The dialog was so bad I had to turn the volume down.

I’ll take your word that the song had fruit in it. It did sound like he was saying lemony-catchigayna a few times. And maybe desperado. I’d say this song has like 80% of the elements to be an instant classic. But putting the Japanese GE Smith on guitar might not have been the best choice. I loved the ending.