Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

#7 - David Bowie - Lazarus

People singing on and about their death bed always get me.

I love David Bowie and I really like this song. And it’s especially sad if it came out when he knew he was sick, which the comment implies. So whomever this is don’t feel bad, it’s just that the other songs are even stronger.


And now for halftime - let’s all stand up and put your hands together for the lyrical stylings of Kid Rock!

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Bawitdaba had a spot on my iPod back in the day.

It’s still on my ipod.

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#6 - Vincent - Don McLean

It’s just so melancholy. I can’t hear this song without crying. The lyrics, the atmosphere, all of it. Helps that Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists. Also, if you’ve never seen the Vincent and The Doctor episode of Doctor Who…well, that’ll make you cry, too.

The writeup definitely saved this song a few spots. Because I have ADHD and of course I never read instructions, I was like “Who’s Vincent? Is this a gay song in the 70s? That’s pretty impressive.”

This dude can flat out sing. One of the most unique voices. And then at the end, just when I was thinking there would be no weepy violins - BAM.

I did get some little goosebumps but I think it might have been helped by the Chiefs having an impressive goal line stand. Subsequent re-listens failed to produce the same effect.

But this is a great song for the category. Again - it’s just up against an all-star lineup.


You are a terrible person. The whole song and video are about his looming death from terminal liver cancer which happened less than a month after the release of this song.

Yeah I figured. The song is really good.

#5 - Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted

This one is more like Enya at Budda Bar - one of my favorite Enya genres.

Confession, I know who Billie Eilish is, I’ve seen her interviewed several times. But I couldn’t name one of her songs and not sure if I’ve ever heard one. But I like this song a lot. It kept going up and up in the rankings the more I listened to it.


Yeah but you ranked it last in a flip determined by category fit so that means you were least saddened by bowie singing about his death. Says a lot about you as a person. No wonder Nano hates you.

Again #9-5 was such a tossup. Don’t kill yourself over it. The next 4 songs gave me literal, repeatable goosebumps. Can’t get much more objective than that.

No #9 was last in the flip. But you can apply what you said to Billie Eilish. :crazy_face:

#4 - Strange Fruit - Billie Holiday

This song is definitely a bit of a cheat code. I mean given the subject matter, I couldn’t really give it a bottom ranking now could I? But there were literal goose bumps on “strange fruit hangin’… from the poplar trees”. And then the sudden smell of burning flesh - fruit for the crows to pluck. What a ballsy seminal song. Just incredible.

I had this song at #5 and got goosebumps doing the writeup. So I had to switch it with Billie Eilish.


I almost submitted this.

Listening one more time. Tough tough podium, I am literally crying. Many half tears of course.

Ok let’s do this. Our next contestant gets a bronze cupcake.

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#3 - Zola Jesus - Siphon

This one is more of Gothic Spooky Enya - my favorite of the Enya genres.

I’m gonna call my shot and say this is pauwl - who seems to have my tastes dialed in.

I got literal goosebumps - but it exactly coincided with a very pretty long pass play down the sideline so I had to relisten to make sure. Still there just not as much. I tried to get a pic of the goosebumps, but by the time I got the phone camera working they were gone. And with my freckles you can’t tell anyway.

Unlike the Indiana song with the sirens and gone shots, the hospital flatline beep there at the end worked for me, as I’m assuming the object of the song bled out after all. It’s abstract enough that you think it’s a flatline, but you aren’t sure.


And now a silver hammer for second place.

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Vincent was mine. Did better than I thought, worse than I’d hoped. Vincent Van Gogh is too highbrow for you?

Is that Maxwell’s Silver Hammer?

I’m ready to take my victory lap.

I believe it belonged to Maxwell’s brother, Minnifred.