Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

She needs to be in here dunking on suzzer with stuff that probably all of us are too old to understand.

I’d need to try then on first, for like an hour - because 30-60 minutes is when my ears start hurting.

I’m not talking about inner-ear, I’m talking about the outer-edge of my gigantic ears - which always get pushed on by over-the-ear headphones. You can barely feel it at first, but after an hour it’s painful.

The other problem is the only place I ever listen to headphones is an airplane and doing walrus. Or at least the kind I can’t wear to the gym.

LOL I thought for sure one of the next two songs was Nano (not both of them but I’m still deciding which one is next).

Pretty sure the other is skydiver’s because of her comment just now, and apparently she’s the only one still doing thoughtful writeups by category 5. The rest of you are some lazy fucks.

I would guess it’s a lip-synced performance. Not sure if the musicians are real.

I don’t need your expert mumbo jumbo to tell me my ears aren’t hearing what they’re hearing.

Most reputable headphone places have a good return policy for precisely this reason. Headphones are a pretty intimate and subjective experience that are relative to the person. No two people will even hear a headphone exactly the same due to differences in pinna.

Some numpty’s picked Plastic fucking Bertrand or Je T’aime haven’t they?

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#6 - Vienna Calling - Falco [German]

How exotic is German? I mean, it’s Falco…he was the king of 80’s German (technically Austrian, I guess) cheese. How can you not move to this? Fun fact: in 6th grade I did a science fair project abut behavioral conditioning using fish. We played “Rock Me Amadeus” when we fed them for a few weeks, then demonstrated that just playing the song made the fish move to the surface in anticipation of getting fed. Falco had the beats, man. RIP.

My first thought was I wish it was Rock Me Amadeus. But then it grew on me some. As I mentioned before, I put Rock Me Amadeus in the same fun 80s gimmicky songs category as 99 Luftballoons, Safety Dance, Puttin’ On the Ritz, Too Shy, Der Komisar, Goody Too Shoes, and probably some others I’m forgetting right now.

On the subject - one time I was trying to download the band Spoon and accidentally found 80s band The Spoons. It’s like discovering an 80s gimmick band that no one’s ever heard of. I have two of their songs on my iPad:

Or were the Spoons really big and I just missed them somehow?

Where was I? Oh - song is ok, but this is a tough category.


Holding out for a Malian/Gambian winner.

Did you know where they got their name from?

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Ok let’s do this, I’ve synced up these two videos:

  • These two songs are different
  • These two songs are similar
0 voters

Oh well.

I had song stuck in my head for days after hearing at the end of Battle Royale.

#5 - Ado - Odo [Japanese]

This is the song that I called my shot that it was Nano - shows what I know. It seemed like something the kids would be into these days.

Fun song. Very frenetic. They switch modes every 10-15 seconds. I like some of the modes better than others. It’s like 20 different songs mashed into one.

But my brain started to hurt by the end. I think I need to be on those diet pills Jesse was taking on Saved By the Bell to enjoy this song.

Yep. That’s mine

It’s not bad - really 7-5 was a crapshoot.

Clearly you always did your extra credit. :grin:

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No, I just like over sharing about the things I love😆

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This is a tough tough bubble. I think I know 1 and 2, but 3 and 4 are another crapshoot.

BRB - heading out to buy some $1500 headphones so I get this right.


#4 The Hu - Wolf Totem

I feel like I either got this song in my guest walrus category. Or I got beat out by this song or something. I know it’s come up in walrus before.

It’s freaking awesome, no doubt. I think I might actually have seen these guys at a club in Mongolia in 2003. It was definitely a huge band that did the throat singing thing but incorporated into a really modern badass song. Ok never mind - says they were formed in 2016. But anyway at the time I was like wow this is really unique and modern, I wonder if it will ever catch on worldwide. So maybe it eventually did.

Anyway it was so close between this and song #3 - but I gave the other song the nod because this one had been submitted before, and the other one is a pretty creative pick for reasons that will come clear.


I was 100% going to torture you (both physically and psychologically) for picking foreign language category but then I found this when trying to decide which Hatsune Miku song to pick and it fucking bangs.