Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread

Post the other one you would have tortured me with and I’ll see if you were right.

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Yep I like that one, but more importantly, yay podium

Bronze codpiece coming up!

#3 - A-WA - Habib Galabi (Judeo-Yemeni Arabic)

This is sang in Judeo-Yemeni Arabic which is a variety that will be dead in the very near future.

Pretty sure this is Tilted based on his tabletalk comments. I did have Yuv at first.

This is exactly the kind of thing I had in mind for the category - cool Middle Eastern beat. Bonus for sung in a soon to be dead language. Fun song. I am a sucker for this kind of stuff.

And the video didn’t influence me - but it’s awesome. Love the dancing dudes and the girls riding around in the jeep. Sounds like she’s complaining about the burka police as well and then they chop of his head (probably).

Great song. Amazing find.


Silver wiener dog - coming right up!

I fully expected to win but I’ll take a podium. It’s a breakup song, not as exotic as chopping heads. Habib Galabi = Love of my heart.

My love has made my eyes cry
He rose and left me
And there is no other love like him

Love of my heart, my eyes…
Love of my heart, my eyes

A year and a half has passed and he has not returned to me
O’ people, he has left and driven me mad
Love of my heart, my eyes…

To whom can I bemoan that will understand me?
To whom can I cry that will pity me?
Which of you will help me?

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I was going back and fourth between their other mini-hit (the one I posted is a fairly big hit). I like the lyrics on this one more as they are political (they talk about the racism the Jewish Yemenite encountered in Israel which is still a thing to this day), but it’s not like you would have known that.

I came to you a stranger
You saw me as primitive
I came to you fleeing
I saw you as a last resort

Where will I stake a home?
(You have a tent for now)
Or at least a small shack
(Along with four other families)
And here I will raise a family
(Don’t let them take your daughter)
I’ll find myself a job with an income
(Either in cleaning or working the earth)

Here is not Yemen
Here is not Yemen
I came to you as a stranger
Here is not Yemen


Hmmm - now I don’t understand Tilted’s comment - but I guess we’ll find out what he meant.

Codpiece tease enough.

You picked the right one.

His was the french rap imo

Ok I’ve given each of the last two songs a good listen while covering my (wired) ear buds with my hands - which I’m told equals the Sennheiser experience. It definitely amplifies the bass and makes the other background stuff clearer.

So w/o further ado…

#2 - Mory Kante - Yeke Yeke (Mandikan)

In researching the language, I found out this song is a remix of Yé ké yé ké - one of the biggest hits to ever come out of Africa - which is awesome.

This is my sweet spot - good catchy EDM beat, Indian-trancy lyrics I can’t understand. It’s not that EDM is my favorite music, but there’s a much better chance I’ll be able to tolerate or like an EDM song than any other genre. It just has less massive misses I guess. Also something about lack of lyrics makes it take longer for a song to get boring. Same with art I think. The more abstract the more you can keep finding new things in it with each experience.

Anyway back to the song - the buildup is a little slow, but when the back beat gets going it’s pretty sweet. Base drop was a bit anti-climactic but that’s ok. I will definitely put this on the iPod. This is a good example of what I mean by moving my butt around in the chair. My butt never lies.

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Four ipod worthy songs is I believe a record. Tough category. Any of those 4 would have crushed the previous category. And 5-7 would have been close.

Shit I considered this song but I posted it in the UP playlist thread and thought I’d get called out on it if I used it here.

Always love the euphemisms used in old TV.

Trivia: The pills in question were actually Red Hots Cinnamon Candy.

Oh so close…

Used to go to a great little rave club underneath the arches at Kings Cross railway station in London in the early nineties, this is one of the tracks that takes me back

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I was sometimes with a mate over the road in The Bell (after a few pints in Soho), which had a late licence at that time.

#1 - Lescop - La Nuit Américaine

This one started out a little slow, and I was like oh great - boring slow song in French. But then wow - the chorus is just perfect. Instant classic-level. Perfect road trip or driving around at night song. It’s got some hints of Joshua Tree going on, but with enough of its own beat and melodies. Really sold mixing job too - very crisp and bright. A perfect example of a very simple song that just works.

I immediately wanted to listen to this song again, which is when I knew it was probably #1.

You win a gold throw rug from Wayfair (small child not included):

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90s trance is my sweet spot.

WTF - all that over candy? I never saw the episode and figured she was on diet pills or at least Vivarin or something. Like the also very special Family Ties episode where Michael J Fox wigs the fuck out.